The Book Fair

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According to me, Saturday was the best day of the week. Reasons being very simple- I didn't have to go to school, I could read books the whole time and I could peacefully sleep without any interference. I woke up at 10 in the morning which was still pretty early than usual on weekends. Just as I stepped outside my room, Bethany looked at me, her mouth wide open.

"Hey sis, are you alright??" She asked.

"Well, yeah! Why wouldn't I be?"

"It's unusual to see you awake at  10 in the morning, you know!" 

"Whatever.." I said, still yawning, realizing that I should have slept more.

"That was such a rude reply.. I'll ignore that. By the way, let's go to the park! I need some sketches for my art class on Monday."

I could never say no to her. I gulped down the food as soon as I could and headed out for the park with her. Just as I sat on the bench I usually sat on, I saw him coming and a smile appeared on my face. Well yeah, by him, I meant Evan. 

"Oh hey Iris!!"

"Hi Evan!" 

He sat beside me and asked for the notebook for conversations. I searched for it in my bag and realized that I had brought my "Story Ideas" notebook. He took it, opened the last page and wrote down.

'Ooh! So you write down ideas in a notebook..'

'Yeah! I'm about to finish drafting the ideas for my story.'

'Oh that's awesome! Can't wait to read it :)'

Those smiley faces never failed to make me smile. Just as I was about to write something down, I saw a notification on my phone. It was a message from David.

'Hey Iris. Wanna go to a book fair tomorrow?'

'Yeah sure! Haven't been to one in a long time!'

'Okay see you at 6 in the evening! I'll pick you up :)'


As soon as I kept it inside, Evan asked me what the message was about. I was about to tell him when Bethany came and told that she wanted to go home.

"I have to go. Sorry, bye!"

"It's okay! Bye.."

I went back home and slept again as I was feeling very sleepy. I wanted to sleep for hours without any interference but no! Bethany had to ruin my sleep. It's rude to wake someone up by pouring cold water on the face! Can't blame her though. Siblings are annoying.. I looked at her, totally annoyed and wanted to scold her but before I could do so, she told me that "my boyfriend" had come to meet me.

"He isn't my boyfriend!"

"Oh really?" She said, teasing me again.

I went downstairs and saw him, standing at the door. It just happens somehow but whenever I see him, a smile automatically appears on my face. I saw him holding a notebook is his hand. Not any notebook, it was MY notebook.

He handed it to me easily which was quite surprising, since he always likes to tease me and snatch my things. As soon as I thought about that, Bethany's words came in my mind again.

"Guys who like girls sometimes tease them to gain attention."

The stuff she said got me all confused so I just brushed each and every thought away and took the notebook. And that was when I had a panic attack.

"Did you read my story ideas?"

"Ah! Really wanted to.. But just had to control my curiosity. It'll be a lot better to read the book than just the ideas, you know.."

"Oh.. That's such a relief! By the way, do you want to go to the book fair tomorrow with me?"

A huge smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah sure! So, at what time should I come to pick you up?"

"At 6. David would be coming here at 6 in the evening too!"

That's when his wide smile faded away. And that wasn't all. I just couldn't stop thinking about what Bethany said about jealousy being a sign.

"Oh! So he's coming too.."

"Yeah. In fact, it was his idea!"

"Well, since you two love books a lot and I don't, I think you two will be better off without me.. I'll go now, bye."

Well, that was confusing. Just some time ago, he was smiling so bright and now his smile just faded.

"It's nothing like that! You can join us.." I said with a faint smile.

"I feel like I don't want to.." Saying that, he left...

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