If Time Could Stop..

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Evan's POV-

I woke up around 9 in the morning, which is pretty impressive, considering it was Saturday.  I had a huge smile on face, and I knew who the reason behind it was. Although I still couldn't make out why Iris came in my dream, I'm glad she did. Still smiling like an idiot, I went downstairs to have some breakfast.

"Had a good dream?" asked mom.

"yeah.." said I, wiping my eyes.

"Let me guess, something related to Iris?" asked mom again, flipping the pancake she was making.

"Yeah.." And I smiled again.

Mom started giggling just as she heard my answer. "Knew it!", said she, teasing me.

Just as I heard that, I wondered if Iris got teased like that too. I wanted to know if she smiled the way I did when someone teased her. 

I sat down at the table and waited for the pancakes to get ready. After about 5 minutes of waiting, that seemed like an eternity, I finally got to taste them. Nutella with pancakes is honestly a heavenly combination.

I went back upstairs to get ready for some workshop I had to attend. For some reason, I wanted to look at the picture Iris and I took together. Looking at her smiling so cutely, a smile appeared automatically on my face. Her smile truly does work like a charm. It usually used to take me more time to get ready, but today, I got ready pretty quickly. Not knowing how to spend the free time before I had to leave, I decided to write a poem.

The first person that I could think of was Iris. 

Now that I look back, things really have changed. She used to be the kind who was always quiet, the kind who bore things without saying anything. She'd smile even after being bullied, after being too hurt. She was the kind to hide it all, just so others could smile.

But looking at her now, it kind of seems like something of the past. I've known that side of her, which  was once drowning in the darkness. But I've also seen the part of her that is as pure as the color white and truly smiles. And now that I've seen it, I want to make sure it stays. I want to keep my promise and never leave her. I want to hold her hand again and never let her go back to the darkness she once was a part of. I just never want her to be alone again, to feel lonely again. When I looked at the stars that night, they truly did remind me of her. All I want is for her to smile. And if she does, her wish of seeing me smile would keep on coming true too. 

I wasn't really sure if this happened to Iris too, or if she thought so much about me. I didn't even know how or why she became such an important part of my life. But now that she's here, I really wish to make her stay. Still thinking about her and all the memories we've made, I decided to write a poem. A poem for her.

"Stumbles do make one fall down,
but in the end, they make you look up
and though I'd always want you to be fine,
I'm kind of glad you fell that time.

for if you hadn't, things probably wouldn't be the same
we'd still be strangers, not knowing each other's name.
you'd still sit in the corner, but without me next to you
you'd still fake smile, like it's nothing new.

I knew god hadn't given you a voice,
but your heart always seemed to speak to mine.
and though your words never reached me,
your eyes never failed to make me see.

I had always waited for a moment,
a moment so beautiful, with some magical element
and when it was finally here, just like in my thoughts
I smiled like an idiot, my smile didn't have a full stop.

just your smile made me realize,
How much I had waited for this moment all this while
And when the moment of wait was over, 
I wanted to make it last forever.

only if time could stop,
we'd have enough time to talk.
I'd keep on looking at you speaking all day,
and when you'd catch me looking, i would look away.

Cause time really does pass by fast,
when you're with someone close to you.
and this time when i hold your hand tight,
I'd make sure to make it last this time.

Just like you said I looked cute worrying about you,
I wanted to say you looked even more cute when you smiled.
  and after knowing that I was the reason for it,
I had already known that it would be alright.."

Since time always passes by fast when I'm with her, I knew what I was going to name it.

"If Time Could Stop.."

Just as I closed my diary, I realized that I had been late for the workshop already. Time really does pass by fast when you're with someone close to you..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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