The Distance P.1

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Maggie was overprotective as she practically carried me back to the barn after tying the man up. 

He said that his name was Aaron and that he had been watching us for a while now. 

I would sneak looks at him and he would give me a genuine smile back. 

Aaron told them of this place called Alexandria. It's a community where he lived. He wanted us to come back with him.

I wanted to know more. If this place was safe, I wanted to be safe too. 

"It has really tall walls." Aaron tells them, eyes landing on me. "Your kids will be safe." His eyes trail from me to Carl before resting on Judith. 

I slip my hand into Carl's as the adults talk. He squeezes it in reassurance. 

The adults came to a conclusion that everyone but Judith, Rick and I would go to investigate. 

They packed up, Aaron tied to a pole in the barn now. Rick had knocked him out with a punch to the eye. He was sleeping because Rick hit him so hard. 

I played with some coloring books that Bob had gotten me. I was coloring  in a picture of Iron Man when Aaron spoke up. He was awake now. 

"How old are you?"

I ignore him and pick out a color of red.

"What's you name?" Aaron questioned.

That seemed like a harmless question. "Andrew." I murmur.

"That's a nice name. What ate you coloring?" Aaron asks.

"Iron Man." I mumble.

"Do you like superheroes?" He asks.

"I guess." I answer halfheartedly.

"I love superheroes. My boyfriend Eric does too." Aaron tells me.

"Are there children in that place?" I look up at him.

"A few. There's a boy around your age I think. How old are you?" Aaron answers.

"I'm not sure." I answer truthfully. "I think I'm nine."

"Andrew!" Ricks voice rings out as he enters the barn.

I knew that I had been caught. I was a bad boy.

"I'm sorry!" I cry out and bring my hands up to protect myself as I ball up.

"Woah. What's wrong?" Eric looks helplessly around. "Are you okay?"

"I've been a bad boy!" I cry. "I want Ma!"

"Maggie will be back soon." Rick tried to soothe, bouncing Judith on his hip. She was beginning to cry too.

I hold my arms up to Rick, wanting to be held but he was too busy tending to his own daughter.

Aaron seemed nice enough and that was why I crawled into his lap. If I disobeyed Maggie, she would have to come back to punish me.

"Hey Andrew." Aaron greets, slightly startled when I plop myself on his lap.

I rest my head against his chest as I try to feel some sort of comfort.

"It's okay to cry, buddy." Aaron tries to soothe. "I know that you're  not bad. You're a good boy."

"Will you color with me?" I sniffle.

"I would but I'm kinda tied up buddy." Aaron gives me a sympathetic smile.

I wander around to the back of him to where he's tied. With my knife, I slice through the bonds on one of his hands, freeing the left one.

Aaron brings his hand to the front, patting my head. "Thanks buddy."

Like he said he would, he colors with me while Rick is who knows where.

Rick was gone for a while. Aaron colored with me, played with me and actually took time to talk to me unlike the others in the group. 

I hadn't played with anyone other than Carl in months. Carl had played a few simple games with me but that was weeks ago. 

"Cars don't drive upside down." I giggle as Aaron pushes his matchbox car across the floor upside down. 

"Mine does." Aaron makes engine noises as his car scratches the floor. 

"Amy liked to make her cars drive upside down too." I comment as I push my blue car across the barn floor. 

"Who's Amy?" Aaron questioned and I just realize that I had said her name. My car comes to a stop. 

"She's my sister." I mumble. 

"Which one was she?" Aaron questioned. 

"She's gone." I whisper. "She's with Andrea in Heaven." 

"...I'm sorry." Aaron finally offers. 

"I'm alone." I utter. 

"What about Ma?" Aaron asks. 

"She's not my real mama." I explain. "Maggie's my replacement Ma." 

I was gently pushing the car back and forth on the wooden floor. 

I could hear Judith wailing as Rick enters the barn again. He spots Aaron with his hand untied, playing with me.

 "Andrew!" He scolds, placing Judith on the ground. He grabs my arm and jerks me away from Aaron. 

I didn't see it happen but I felt it. His hand makes contact with my butt. I jump, letting out a screech, upsetting Judith. 

"You mustn't do that EVER again." Rick shoves his finger into my face before tying Aaron back up again. 

My hands were clasped over my bottom as it stings from his hard hit. 

Rick picks up and comforts Judith, feeding her some applesauce from Aaron's bag after he had Aaron taste test it. 

I was balled up in the corner, sitting on Glenn's coat that he left behind as I nurse my sore bottom. 

Rick had never ever raised a hand to me. The last time I was spanked, Mama did it when I got upset at getting a shot when I was four. 

When everyone finally returns, I jump up, darting towards Glenn with tears and snot on my face. 

"Woah, hey." Glenn pulls me up into his arms where I bury my face into his shirt and let out a deep sob. 

"What happened? Did he hurt you?" Glenn questioned. 

"Rick- hit- me!" I hiccup into his shoulder. 

"Rick did what?" Glenn questioned. "I can't hear you buddy." 

I pull my face from his shirt. "Hit me!" 

Maggie's head darts towards Rick. "Did you hit him!?" 

"I spanked him." Rick admits, bouncing Judith on his hip. 

"What?!" Maggie screeched. "You hit him after what he went through?"

"He untied Aaron!" Rick defends. 

"Yet you're the one that hit him." Glenn frowns. 

"He played with me." I sniffle. "That's it. He played with me." 

I wrap my arm around Glenn's neck where it fit perfectly around his neck. I pop my thumb into my mouth as Glenn gently rocks me and rubs my back. 

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