You Catch Him Working Out (part 1) (4/4)

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[by Eliza, cutestcliffords]


You had been bored all day and finally decided to do something about it, so you headed over to your friend Calum’s house. You two loved to see movies together. It was such a regular thing that it wasn’t out of the ordinary for either of you to show up at each other’s doors with movie plans.

            The back door squeaked open quietly as you walked into Calum’s house. “Cal?” you called. Usually he heard you come in and came running up right away, but this time he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.  You sighed confusedly and continued through the house until you started to hear something you couldn’t place. It almost sounded like a treadmill, but you doubted that was actually what it was. You turned around the corner and immediately saw you were right. The bright room was filled with various gym equipment, and in front of a TV, a treadmill. The TV was playing an action movie, and Calum’s headphones were plugged into it as he ran on the machine. You opened your mouth to ask him about your plans, but then you fully took in what you were seeing.

            Calum’s slender legs weren’t even the worst of it. He wore black gym shorts and nothing else (besides his shoes of course, but that’s not where your eyes were drawn). His lean, bare torso was tanned and muscled as he ran quickly on the treadmill. As you stared uncontrollably, Calum grabbed a small towel from the dashboard and wiped his forehead, flexing his biceps in the process. Suddenly, he turned off the TV and walked off the treadmill, meeting your eyes.

            “Oh,” you snapped back to reality.

            “Hi, Y/N,” Calum smiled, a bit surprised, but not much due to the fact that you were always over at his house. He slung the towel over his bare shoulders.

            “Um, sorry I just showed up,” you said, nervous that he would know you had been watching him. Why were you watching, anyway? Calum was your best friend. You shouldn’t have been having these thoughts about him like that…and yet…as he walked closer to you it was nearly impossible to keep your eyes off of his body, and the air seemed to disappear with his presence.

            “Did you want to go see a movie or something?” he asked, leaning against the wall.

            Okay. Best friends or not, you were having these thoughts.

            “Uh, yeah,” you tried to shake the thoughts from your mind.

            “Sweet. Let’s go then!” he nodded at you to walk through the door and you turned around, going out of the room. You could feel him behind you.

            “Oh my god,” you breathed to yourself and covered your face with a hand.

            “What did you say?” his voice rumbled from right behind you.

            You squeaked. “Nothing!”


It was Thursday again, and nearing 4:30. Your friend Michael had offered to teach you how to play guitar once a week, and to say you looked forward to Thursdays would be a major understatement. You’d been hopelessly head over heels for the guitarist with the crazy hair ever since you met him. When he first told you about the lessons, well, you had never accepted anything so fast in your life (not fast enough to seem desperate of course, but pretty quickly).

            You knocked on his door, feeling a bit nervous. You swiped at your hair, hoping it looked okay, but then you let out a relieved breath. Michael wouldn’t care if your hair wasn’t perfect. He wasn’t that type of guy. And maybe that’s what you liked the most about him.

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