Stuck In An Elevator With The One You 'Hate' (2/4)

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[by Erin, shyguyluke]


          “You’ve got to be kidding me!” You yelled as the elevator you were in suddenly shook violently, and then stopped moving all together.  There was an eerie silence that followed and you closed your eyes and clenched your fists, trying your hardest not to get upset.  But you did have a lot to be mad about!  You were on your way to a very important lunch date with your guy friend, who yes, could be a potential boyfriend candidate, but this was a slight bump in your plans.  You never trusted elevators in the first place, but you took it this morning because you had wasted just a little too much time on getting ready for your ‘date’.  To make matters worse, your arch enemy just had to decide to follow you as the doors had swung open.  Now you were stuck in here with the man you despised.

            “Dammit, not now! I have places to be,” the man, Ashton, grumbled from behind you. You turned around, and saw that he was leaning against the back wall with his face towards the ceiling and a hopeless look was on his face.

            “Yeah, me too.” You mumbled, rubbing your arms anxiously.  You didn’t like being stuck.  Not that you were claustrophobic or anything, but the prospect of not having anywhere to run, and being alone with Ashton for god knows how long while someone got the elevator fixed, worried you.  You had known Ashton for quite some time now, and in all honesty, the thing you hated about him most was how freaking attractive he was.  His curly hair and his hazel eyes drove you crazy in a way you could never explain.  But ever since you had met him, he had teased you ruthlessly.  Everyone always told you that when boys were mean to you it meant they liked you, but you were sure that was not the case with Ashton.  No, he hated you, and you were positive of that.  Which is the reason you ‘hated’ him too.  Sure he was attractive, but you knew he would never like you and there was no point in wasting time on something like that.

            “Lovely, as if this day couldn’t get any worse,” Ashton let his body slide slowly down until he was sitting on the floor with his knees in front of his face.  He pulled out his phone from his jacket pocket and checked it, but he threw it to the ground angrily, and you assumed he didn’t have any service.

            That’s when you really began to panic.  What if no one knew you were stuck in there?  And with no service, neither of you could call anyone.  What if you were in their for hours without food and water?

            You didn’t even notice your breath beginning to quicken until you turned around sharply and frantically started pushing the ‘open door’ button on the elevator over and over again.

            “What the hell are you doing?” Ashton said, sounding annoyed, but you ignored him and continued to slam the button.  Soon you got so frustrated that you let out an agitated yell and moved your hands rapidly over everything you could press.

            Suddenly someone’s large hand roughly grabbed yours and pulled you away from the buttons.  Ashton spun you around and slammed your arm onto the wall by the side of your head, forcing you to face him. He towered over you, and you couldn’t help but notice how impossibly close you two were in that small elevator.  Ashton looked like he was going to speak, but something changed in his face as he stared down at you, his hot breath softly blowing over your face.

            “That’s not going to help anything,” He muttered, never taking his eyes off of you.

            “I had to try something,” You whispered nervously.  Your heart was still beating at an unhealthy speed but you’re pretty sure this time, it had nothing to do with being stuck.

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