Best Friend In A Punk Band - Ashton One Shot

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[by Erin, shyguyluke]


            You and Ashton had been best friends for almost two years, ever since school started. You hadn’t really ‘grown up together’ but you were so close that it almost felt like you had. When you started as a freshman he had already been a sophomore, but he had taken an interest in you on the first day when you accidently ran into him in the lunch room and spilled your tray of food all over his shirt. You had expected him to be one of those snobby upperclassmen who would brush you off or do something mean to you as revenge, but he had surprised you with the most beautiful laugh you had ever heard. He leaned down to pick up your tray for you, and when he came back up, he was smiling a bright and genuine smile as he stared back at you. He introduced himself and you shyly did the same, but he surprised you even further by inviting you to sit with him and his buddies at their lunch table saying it was the least he could do for getting in your way.

            And from that moment on, you knew you would fall for him. It was stupid and cliché of course, but you couldn’t help it. As the months flew by and you and Ashton became better friends with each passing second, and your feelings for the curly haired boy only grew stronger. Two, long but incredibly amazing, years later the quirky junior and the curly haired senior were still best friends and you still had that annoying crush on him.

             But you had sworn to never let him know about any of that! You had seen way to many friendships be ruined because people decided to try out dating, and there was no way in hell you would do anything to jeopardize the relationship you already had with Ashton. It was the most precious thing in the world to you, and if you could help it, you would never let that go.


            “Hey, Y/N?” Ashton called from the crowded hallways of your school one Friday afternoon.

            “Yeah Ash?” You yelled back, trying to be heard over the noise of everyone around you. Ashton was pushing and shoving his way through the mass of people and he only stopped once he was right in front of you. He opened his mouth to speak, but then seemed to think better of it, biting his lip and looking to the ground.

            “What is it Ashton?” You sighed, knowing that look very well. He was going to say something that you wouldn’t want to hear, probably about some girl he knew you would hate but was interested in anyway. That had happened way too many times to count. But in the end, Ashton never did anything with those girls. He was always flirty with everyone, but unless you gave your stamp of approval, -which you never did for obvious reasons- he wouldn’t do anything more.

            “I-I’m not going to able to make it to our hang out tonight, like I thought I could.” He blurted finally, and then winced as if bracing himself for the blow he thought would come. But you only scrunched your eyebrows together and gave him a curious look. Since when did Ashton bale on you?

            “Yeah… that’s fine, I guess. Don’t worry about it. We can watch Hercules some other time.” You said referring to both of your favorite movie that you had planned on watching together.

            “Oh god, I’m so happy to hear that! I thought for sure you were going to hate me.” Ashton said letting out a giant breath you didn’t noticed he had been holding.

           “Ash, I could never hate you!” You laughed, “It’s really no big deal. Plans change and I understand that.” You turned away from the hazel eyed boy, who was standing unnecessarily too close to you, and started rummaging in your locker for the books you needed

            “Alright cool. Thanks again for understanding Y/N,” Ashton said warmly, placing a hand on your shoulder. You froze under his touch and you could feel your cheeks burning so you hid your face further into your locker to prevent him from seeing.

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