Truth Or Dare - Luke Hemmings One Shot

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[by Erin, shyguyluke]


            “Dang it why does this always happen…” You said rubbing your face with one hand and fiddling with the breaker box with the other.  You and your best friend Michael and his friends Ashton, Calum, and, horrifyingly, you crush Luke were all over at your place for a movie marathon night. But apparently the weather hadn’t been informed of your party plans because the gently falling snow had quickly turned into a blizzard, knocking the power out of your entire apartment building. 

            “Sorry boys, it’s not looking like it’ll work,” You said as you walked back into the room and took a seat on the end of the couch next to Ashton. At the same moment you came in, Luke followed with a few candles which he placed and lit right away, illuminating the small room with a soft glow. They all knew your apartment well enough to find their way around in the dark.

            “And if I know the power company in this town, which trust me, I do,” You continued, “they won’t get it back on for another hour or two.” You shrugged your shoulders and sank further into the couch, frustrated that you plans had been spoiled.

            “That’s alright!” Calum said cheerfully from his seat on the chair to your right, “We can play a game instead.” You scoffed at his words and rolled your eyes. Calum was always suggesting the weirdest things.

            “Like what? We can’t see anything!” You couldn’t help protesting as all the other boys got excited with Calum’s idea. You sighed inwardly not quite believing just how dorky these boys could be. And if you knew them they would be suggesting the stupidest game any minute now-

            “TRUTH OR DARE!” Michael, Ashton and Luke all said at once. Yup, there it was.

            “I swear you’re all worse than teenage girls at a slumber party.” You muttered not really wanting to play that dumb game again. You were pretty sure you had found out everything there was to know about these four idiots with the amount of times you’ve all played this together.

            “You’re just afraid you’ll lose.” Michael said sticking his tongue out at you.

            “You can’t ‘lose’ at this game Michael,” you retaliated giving him a snarky look and rolling your eyes again.

            “Yeah but if you could, you would.” Ashton smirked from beside you. You slowly looked up at the boy grinning back at you.

            “Is that a challenge Irwin?” You asked with a small smile creeping onto your lips uncontrollably.

            “Yes.” He said leaning in close so that your faces were only inches apart.

            “Challenge accepted,” You squinted your eyes and gave Ashton a determined look before you both giggled and returned to you normal sitting positions.

            “Awesome! Y/N, you’re first! Truth or dare?” Michael grinned and you moaned. They always picked you to go first hoping they could crack you on the first round.

            “Easy, dare.” You replied, knowing he would bring up your stupid crush on Luke that you had told him about only a week ago. There was no way in hell you were going to let him make a fool of you tonight.

            “I dare you to kiss Ashton!” Calum yelled suddenly as he quickly bounced up and down in his seat with excitement. These boys got way into this game…       

            “What?” You asked finally registering what he had asked of you.

            “Kiss Ashton.” Calum repeated and your eyes grew wide.

            “Um…” you muttered uncomfortably not knowing what to do.

            “Guys, if Y/N doesn’t want to do it then she doesn’t have to,” Luke spoke up from his seat on the floor where he had been so silent you had almost forgotten he was there. But of course, you didn’t because you liked him. You looked over and made eye contact and noticed he had a weird look in his eyes as he stared back at you.

            “No, I have to it’s the rules.” You said never breaking your gaze with Luke. His blue eyes flashed oddly when you said that, but you brushed it off as just the weird flickering of the candle light and turned to look at Ashton who was grinning madly at you.

            “Don’t make this a big deal alright?” You muttered making sure only he could hear. He nodded and pursed his lips, ready for your kiss. You rolled your eyes but moved uncomfortably close to him and leaned in to kiss his lips. It only lasted for a second, but you had to admit, it was a good kiss. Soft, sweet, and swift that ended, you were stunned to realize, a little too soon.

            You were sure the blush on your cheeks was apparent even in the dim light, as all the other boys laughed and clapped for you and Ashton. All that is, except Luke.

            “Alright! Luke’s next!” Ashton smirked.

            “I’m going to go with dare too,” Luke muttered refusing to look at you or anyone else.

            “I dare you to kiss Y/N!” Michael said, just a bit too quickly. You shot him an evil glare as a giant smile spread across his face. He looked over at you slowly and the look on his face was that of pure innocence. That bastard…

            “Sure, whatever,” Luke said taking you off guard. He lifted himself off the floor with ease and you felt your heart starting to race. Wait… what? He was going to do it? You thought for sure he would back out and do something else…

           But there he was sauntering up to you with his hands in his pockets and a bored look on his face. Luke made it right in front of you and leaned in so that he was bent over staring at you from above and you had to crane you neck to meet his blue eyes that were impossible to read. But the something glittered in them and he smiled sweetly at you.

            “You ready?” He whispered and you nodded your head finding you couldn’t speak.

            “Don’t get caught on my ring,” Luke smirked, referencing the piercing on his lower lip, as he leaned impossibly close to you without actually touching. But before you had any more time to speak, his mouth was crashing into yours with a hunger that surprised you. It wasn’t long before your instincts took over and you kissed him back matching his passion easily. He placed his hand behind you neck, pulling you further into him, and you rested your hands on his chest, feeling how defined his muscles were becoming. He briefly stopped to take a breath before he was back on you and sucking away every other kiss you’d ever had with his.

            “Ahem,” Someone coughed from behind you but you barely noticed because Luke was wrapping his long arms under your thighs and you jumped into him. The kiss deepened, if that was even possible at that point, and you could feel yourself forgetting the whole world in that moment.

            “GUYS!?!” Michael, Ashton, and Calum all screamed together forcing you and Luke to stop. Luke released you reluctantly and gave you one more small peck before you were just standing face to face.

            “What?” you asked, a little out of breath, as you turned to the stunned faces of the other boys.

            “I think that was more than necessary,” Calum muttered while Michael glared at Luke and Ashton just looked on wide eyed and open mouthed.

            “Really? Cuz I don’t think it was enough.” Luke chuckled and you were still so close that you could feel the rumble in his chest with every word. You smiled, your cheeks heating to dangerous levels, and you buried your face in Luke’s chest from embarrassment.

            “Well anyway, it’s my turn now, so someone ask me!” Ashton yelled out of nowhere, finally snapping out of his daze and you all laughed at his ability to lighten the mood. Luke sat down and pulled you into his lap, wrapping a protective arm around your waist.

            “No more kissing your band mates?” You whispered into his ear, the whole time being aware of your best friends intimidating glare at Luke.      

            “No more kissing my band mates,” Luke chuckled and squeezed you tighter causing you to smile as you returned to the game. 

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