He Makes You A Mixtape (2/4)

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[by Erin, shyguyluke]


               “Calum, you’re out of popcorn!” You yelled up the stairs to your friend. You and Calum had known each other since you started middle-school and now that you were both in high-school you often got together for study sessions. You were currently at his house because you shared a small apartment with just you and your parents and there wasn’t much room anyway without bringing in a full grown teenage boy. And Calum’s family didn’t mind at all, they loved you, though that wasn’t even a problem today because you and Calum were the only people in the large house.

           “I wonder if they have any cheese,” You mumbled to yourself as you opened up the refrigerator and started rummaging around through its contents. After a few moments of searching and finding nothing, you sighed and gave up.

            “You need to go grocery shopping Cal! You literally have no food,” You smiled to yourself with the mental picture of Calum actually doing a chore, as you ran up the stairs to meet him in his bedroom. You were studying your math homework but, like always, you soon got hungry and had tried, but failed, to get a snack.

            “Damn Y/N, you’re going to eat me out of house and home.” Calum muttered looking up from his seat on the bed as soon as you walked into his room. Your stomach twisted as a giant smile spread over his face, leaving small crinkles under his deep brown eyes. You had to admit, if there was ever a time when you knew why you liked Calum Hood, it in moments like these. The cute little intimate things you two shared were almost too much for your pore heart to take sometimes. But you endured them anyway because Calum was too good of a friend to lose over some dumb little feelings.

            You took a seat at his desk that was across the room, but you swiveled in the chair to face Calum again.

            “Are you calling me fat?” You asked lowering your gaze and giving him a warning look. He responded by throwing his head back and laughing loudly, but then he returned to the homework sprawled in front of him without another word. You rolled your eyes at his behavior, but a smile was playing on your lips. You could never stay mad at Calum.

            It took you a moment to realize you had been watching your friend work out problems for probably too long now. Your eyes grew wide and you spun around to face the desk, hoping that Calum had been oblivious to your staring. You tried to work on your own homework, but you found yourself glancing back every time Calum moved or breathed louder than normal. You felt your cheeks heating up and you nervously scanned around the room, trying to find something to talk about to break the silence that was starting to overwhelm you. And just like that, you found it.

           “I didn’t know you played bass, Cal,” You said looking at the instrument lying under a pile of dirty clothes. You got up and walked over to the pile, slowly pulling out the bass by its neck. It was a beautifully bright red color and you were almost hypnotized by it.

            “Oh yeah, I’ve played it for a while,” Calum said, reaching out a hand for you to let him have the instrument. You gave it to him and he instantly stuck it under one arm and plucked a few strings in a pretty melody.

            “I’m actually in a band with some of my friends from school-”

            “What?” Calum had started explaining why he had the bass but you stopped him, not really sure if what you had heard was correct.

            “Did you say you’re in a band?” You asked when Calum shut his mouth and raised an eyebrow at you.

            “Yeah. There are some guys at school who started one and they invited me to be the bassist-”

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