He Makes You A Mixtape (2/4)

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[by Erin, shyguyluke] You are good friends, and he makes you a mix tape.


“All of the stuff I have in here is utter shit!” You cursed as your fingers scanned the dozens of CD’s and cassette tapes filled with the ‘shit’ you were indicating. Ashton, your good friend and hopeless crush, sat in the passenger seat of your car and laughed at your misery. He lived really close to you, so you and he had made a carpooling-to-and-from-school plan for rainy days like this one. You were about to head home after a long day of boring studying, but you didn’t want to go until you found the right thing to listen to.

            Music was such a big part of your life, you being classically trained and Ashton being a drummer in a pop-punk band, so it was common for the two of you to enjoy the variety of artists that you had stored away in your car. But apparently your annoying younger brother had decided to pillage his way through your things last night when he borrowed your ride, and he got everything mixed up, or miss placed.

            You sighed and ran a hand through your hair, trying not to look as frustrated as you felt in front Ashton.  

            “Come on Y/N, it’s alright. Just pop something in. I have a lot of homework to do when I get home.” He said as he quickly fastened his seat belt when you started the car.

            “Fine,” You muttered grabbing the closest CD next to you and tossing it to Ashton to put into the stereo. He thanked you and, with another small chuckle because of your frustration, put the CD in.

            “God I hate this song…” You grumbled as ‘Teenage Dream’ by Katy Perry came blasting through the speakers. You swiveled around in your seat to make sure no one was behind you and when turned back, Ashton was grinningly cheekily at you.

            “What?” You asked, not hiding the annoyance and skepticism in your voice.

            “I like this song.” Ashton said defiantly and you rolled your eyes and groaned when he started singing along to the obnoxious chorus. You pulled out of the parking lot without another word, thinking about how long this short ride home was going to take.


            “Hey Y/N, can I sit here?” Your friend Calum asked you at lunch the next day. You smiled up at him and scooted over so he had enough room, and Calum sat down without another word. You were already with Luke and Michael, and Calum made three. These guys were your good friends because of Ashton. They were the other members of the band he was in, and they welcomed you into their group instantly. All of them were pretty amazing guys, and you were lucky to have gotten to know them so well.

            “So, how did math go?” Luke asked. He was a genius when it came to school and he often came over with Ashton to help you along with your homework even though he was a whole two years younger than you.

            You stuck you tongue out and moaned, wordlessly telling him, and the rest of the table, that it didn’t go well.

            “I’m sorry to hear that, maybe I can come and help later-” Luke began, but he was cut off by the loud sound of someone calling your name. The four of you looked up with curious expressions to see Ashton running, well, more like stumbling, through the crowded lunch room. He was out of breath when he finally made it up to you, and he threw his backpack onto the table, sitting between Michael and Luke and making them scoot over so he could be right in front of you.

            “Yes Ashton?” You asked when he had finally seemed to be settled down enough to speak.

          “I got you something.” He said as he zipped open his backpack and began rummaging around in it.

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