You Accidentally Turn Him On In Public - Michael Clifford One Shot

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This was a request, sorry if it didn't turn out quite right. Feel free to send requests to my tumblr, or to our WattPad account! [Written by Eliza, cutestcliffords]


"Michael, you don't need the popcorn," you put your hands on your hips as your boyfriend gazed longingly at the big popcorn machine behind the counter.

"Now, you say that, Y/N, but I still feel like I need it." He turned away, shoving his hands in the pockets of his black jeans as he walked to you join you. You both headed toward the movie theater.

"Good thing you've learned to resist your feelings, right?" you smirked up at Michael. He raised an eyebrow and slung his arm around you casually.

"What in the world in that supposed to mean?" he asked, but you looked away and chose to just smile instead of answering.

When you found the right theatre, he dramatically pulled the door open for open, swinging his arm out to the side. You laughed, rolling your eyes. However, your laugh faded as you both came to a stop at the seats. The theater was packed full of people. There were random seats open, but the only two next to each other were smack in the middle of the crowd.

"This is what we get for coming late," you whispered to Michael.

"Whatever. Come on." He started climbing the stairs, and you followed him reluctantly. Soon you were both sitting in the chairs, surrounded by families. A balding father of three sat to Michael's left, and a little girl sat to your right. It wasn't too much of an issue, because since you had been late, the film started quickly and soon you were able to drift into movie mode.

As the movie dragged on, the tag on the back of your shirt started to bug you, so you tried to pull your shirt forward, not caring that it exposed your chest a bit too much for the family crowd. It was dark, so no one would be able to see you beside Michael, and he wouldn't care either. Thinking of Michael, you smiled and leaned closer to him, placing your hand on his thigh.

"Are you liking the movie so far?" he whispered to you with a small grin on his face.

"I am," you answered. He gave you a kiss on the cheek before you both looked forward again. You rubbed his leg lovingly, snuggling into his side. It was less than a minute when the tag at the back of shirt suddenly itched you with an evil vengeance. You groaned in frustration and tugged at the front of your shirt again, pulling it lower until the itch subsided. You started to get bored with the movie, so you began tapping a rhythm with your fingers on Michael's thigh.

"Y/N," Michael whispered to you, shifting a bit in his seat.

You only hummed a response, absently tracing patterns on his leg as you watched the movie screen.

"Y/N, stop," he whispered, fidgeting again.

"What?" You turned a bit towards him, looking at him curiously. You saw his eyes flick down to your chest for a second before he looked away. His cheeks were a furious red. He brushed your hand off of his leg.

"Stop," he said, giving you a wide-eyed look. You held back a laugh, leaning closer to him.

"What's wrong, Michael? Are you having...feelings?" you couldn't help a giggle escape your lips.

"No, Y/N, I'm not. Okay? Just stop it." He wouldn't look at you.

"Stop what?" You walked your fingers along his thigh. You watched as he tried to keep a straight face, but he batted your hand away after a second.

"Stop teasing me."

"Teasing you? What in the world are you talking about, Michael?" you asked innocently, smirking as you leaned in and kissed his jawline gently, trailing your lips to his neck with your hand still on his thigh.

"Shit, Y/N," he breathed, standing up hurriedly and grabbing your hand, pulling you past the families as quick as possible and down the stairs. You tried not to trip over people's feet as you followed him out of the theater.

"Sorry, Michael, I was only-"

He didn't let you finish before pulling you into the corner, and crashing his lips to yours. Your heart thudded in your chest and you couldn't keep a smile off your face.

"Teasing, I know," he finished for you before pressing his lips to yours again. You felt his hands slide down your sides, slipping under the hem of your shirt and around to your back, sending chills up your spine. You gladly ran your hands through his newly dyed hair, pulling a bit, which you knew always got to him.

"I wish you would stop teasing me like that when there's small children around," he mumbled against your skin as he left kisses on your neck.

"I had to get you to pull me out of the movie somehow," you chuckled.

He pulled back to look at you for a second before a mischievous smirk spread crept onto his face. He just shook his head before suddenly kissing you again. Your back pressed against the wall.

He rested his hands on your waist, and whispered in your ear. "I guess I'll just have to get my revenge, then."

You gasped as he nipped at your skin. He chuckled deeply, and you could only imagine what the rest of the night could possibly hold in store.

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