'Life With Luke' One Shot #1: First Dates

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A/N: This one shot was inspired by the song 'Eavesdrop' by The Civil Wars. (Multimedia included)

[by Erin, shyguyluke]

You sighed, throwing down the endless amounts of papers you had previously held in you hands onto the table in front of you. You ran your hands up your face and through your hair, trying to keep yourself calm. If you had to see another damn bill or notice or tax, you were going to scream.

Your husband, Luke, was at the studio recording and you- being the loving and caring wife that you were- agreed to do all paperwork for this month. Of course, you had forgotten about how stressed out and angry doing this sort of thing made you. Luke was nothing short of a math genius, and you had barely scraped by with a high school level knowledge of figures and equations. Still, you wanted to do something nice for him, knowing he was usually exhausted after recording and writing. He'd have no energy to stay up late and finish the paperwork that had to be done by the weekend, which was coming on faster than you both realized.

You slowly breathed in and out, trying to psych yourself back up to finishing the work.

Just as you were about to dive in again, you heard the door open.

"I'm home ,Y/N!" Your husbands deep voice called through the house, and you couldn't help noticing it sounded a bit scratchy and tired. It must have been a hard day in the studio after all.

"I'm in here," you answered, and seconds later Luke walked into view. He smiled when he saw you, leaning one broad shoulder against the doorway and crossing his feet.

"What are you doing, babe?" Luke's thick eyebrows scrunched together as he glanced from the papers spread across the table to the ones now in your hands.

"I thought I'd surprise you with doing the bills this month," you said, hoping to make him smile again, but he only continued to look confused. "It was going well until I got to the taxes and now I'm just confused and I'm worried I screwed it all up and-"

You didn't realize Luke had moved behind you until his arms wrapped over your shoulders, making you stop mid-sentence. He leaned down and brought his lips to the side your head, gently kissing your temple.

"You're the best wife in the world," he whispered, his lips tickling your ear with every word.

"Yes, I would be if I had finished this like I wanted to." You hated yourself for it, and you felt tears prickling at your eyes. You always cried when you were stressed or angry or sad, and you didn't want to seem weak in front of Luke, but right now you were feeling all of those things at once. A real recipe for disaster, that's what you were.

Luke was silent for a long while, as you did your best to keep from crying. Finally your husband moved to stand beside you, taking your hands away from the work and holding them in his.

"Come on, Y/N," he said as he gently pulled you to your feet. You were curious as to what he wanted, so you willingly let him lead you down the hallway and towards the garage.

"Luke, what are you doing?"

"Just trust me," he said as you both walked through the garage door and out to your cars. He picked the shiny blue pickup truck that you remembered him having ever since the day you first met, almost two whole years ago.

You and Luke got into the pickup and he started driving away from your cute suburban home. He rolled the windows down, letting the cool spring breeze blow through your hair, and turned the music up loud. He played a mix CD of your favorite songs that you both made while you were still dating. It was usually played on long road trips when you didn't want to talk, just simply sit there in comfortable silence and listen to your music, maybe singing along together softly, but this time Luke used it as a way to comfort you. It definitely worked, too.

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