He Sees You In Your Underwear - Ashton One Shot

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[by Erin, shyguyluke]


            “Come on Y/N!” Ashton called trying to reach over the sound of your music that was blaring loudly in your room. You and Ashton were about to head off to one of his band practices and he had come to pick you up since you didn’t have your own car. 

            Ashton had been your best friend throughout all of high school, even though you were still a senior and he had already graduated, so it wasn’t that weird for him to randomly show up at your house to just hang out, or for him to take you to band things. And of course, just like every girl-guy-best-friends-for-life relationship, you had a hopeless crush on him since you first met almost three years ago. But Ashton had never appeared to have the same feelings for you, and you were slowly getting used to it as time went on. Sure he had a few girlfriends since you’d known him, and it hurt like hell, but they had all ended in disaster just like you knew they would and it was starting to bother you less and less as you tried to let the curly haired drummer go. Plus, Ashton was a specific type of guy. Easily excitable, chirpy, funny, and all around an absolute idiot, but his taste in women left something to be desired. Especially because you had always wanted that ‘something’ to be you.

            “We’re going to be late!” Ashton yelled from downstairs, drawing out the last word in an adorable way that you loved.

            “Be there in a second!” You screamed back, running your mascara brush over your eye lashes. You had taken a shower, maybe a bit too late, and you were standing in front of your mirror in jeans and just your sports bra, hoping to finish as soon as possible but knowing that putting on make-up took time.

            “I’m going to leave without you if you don’t hurry up!” Ashton called again, this time sounding like he was at the bottom of the stairs.

            “Calm down you dork!” You responded after accidently marking your face with the mascara brush because of Ashton’s outburst. You dabbed a Kleenex with make-up remover and quickly got to work at fixing the spot, knowing he wouldn’t do as he said. He was too nice to leave you alone, “I’ll be down in one minute- oh hold up! This is my jam!”

            The beginning notes of your favorite song started playing from your speaker, and you instantly got up and started dancing around your room, moving your hips to the rhythm of the music.

            “I didn’t know you could dance like that,” The sound of someone’s voice suddenly coming from behind you made you squeal and turn around quickly to see who was there. Your eyes slowly looked from the familiar dark skinny jeans, to the muscle-T shirt, and finally, to the bright hazel eyes of Ashton. He was leaning one shoulder on the doorway with his arms crossed over his broad chest, and a stupid half grin on his face as he stared at you. You were at a loss for words, partly because you were scared out of your wits from the surprise and partly because you couldn’t focus on anything else but the weird look in Ashton’s eyes as he quickly scanned your body, lingering for a brief second on your chest area. That’s when you finally noticed you were still in only your sports bra and jeans and nothing else. A furious blush heated your cheeks and you looked to the floor, crossing your arms over your chest instinctively.

            “Ashton, stop looking at me like that!” You said finding you were too flustered to do anything else but stand there awkwardly and try to cover yourself up. Ashton laughed loudly at your embarrassment, and you groaned.

            “Why’re your cheeks so red Y/N? It’s just me.” Ashton asked with a cheeky smirk still on his face. He knew he was making you uncomfortable and you were sure that was the only reason he was still standing there and looking at you like that.

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