Your Ex Want You Back But He Loves You (2/4)

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[by Eliza, cutestcliffords]


            Lately you had been feeling really lonely. You’d think that someone who was constantly surrounded by four attractive boys would not have that problem, but none of them would ever think of you that way, so you were stuck all by yourself.

            You had broken up with your boyfriend a month earlier because you felt like he was suffocating you. But as more and more time passed, you started to think that maybe you had over reacted. You sure would have liked to be receiving that much attention again. If you could go back and undo what you did, you would.

            Surprisingly, he had actually started texting you a few days ago. It was just casual, trying to get back to being friends, you guessed. But with each text you couldn’t help but remember the times you spent together. The bad memories faded away and only the happy times remained.

            You pressed send on your next reply to your ex, Scott, and walked into the living room where Michael and Luke were draped over the couch.

            “Hey, Y/N,” Michael smiled, “we were thinking about going out to the shops. Want to come along?”

            “Calum keeps complaining about some new pair of shoes he ‘needs’,” Luke sighed.

            You laughed, knowing how obsessed Cal could get about his shoes, and checked your phone for new messages before sitting down between them.

            “I’ll tag along I guess,” you told them just as a new text from Scott popped up.

            “Oooh, look at that smile,” Michael teased, nudging your side with his elbow. “What’d you do, see a new picture of me?” he winked.

            You rolled your eyes and chuckled. “No, I’m texting a friend.” There’s was a slight pause before you said ‘a friend.’ They knew about your old boyfriend, and you weren’t quite ready to tell them you were texting him a lot again. They wouldn’t understand.

            “Oh, okay,” Michael said. If you had been paying attention, you might have noticed the hint of hesitation in his voice.


            You sat on the bench outside one of the shops. Calum was inside, and had been for an uncountable number of minutes. He dragged the rest of the boys in with him, but you knew well enough to escape before you were forced into giving him your opinion on endless pairs of shoes.

            You had been texting Scott despite the boys’ attempts to draw you away from your phone. When you noticed Scotts newest text, you were a bit confused.

            “Look up.”

            ‘What the hell?’ you wondered. You slowly looked up. There was no one there. “Uh…” you said out loud. Suddenly, there were hands over your eyes and a voice said,

            “Guess who?” It was familiar.

            Your heart raced, but a smile spread across your face. “Scott?” you dared.

            And then you opened your eyes and he was in front of you, wearing his old jacket. He had styled his dark hair differently than when you were together. Now it swept up in the front, and was surprisingly attractive.

            “Hey, Y/N,” he grinned.

            “How did you know I was here?” you asked, feeling a bit weird-ed out, but still glad to see him.

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