Your Ex Wants You Back But He Loves You (2/4)

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[by Eliza, cutestcliffords]


“Why don’t you guys have any food?” you complained, staring disgustedly into the empty fridge. There was literally only a few drinks, some eggs, and a sad looking tomato inside.

“I guess we just kinda…graze,” your friend, Luke, said from where he was leaning against the counter. He was scrolling on his phone, his feet crossed at the ankles. 

“You graze? So now you’re all cows?” You walked over to him, peeking at his phone before he pulled it away and smiled at you.

“Well, I’m not a cow, but I’ll let the other guys speak for themselves,” he said, sliding his phone into his pants pocket.

You shook your head and laughed, walking from the room to go pull on your boots. 

“What are you doing?” his deep voice followed you into the hallway.

“I’m taking you to the store. In case of the zombie apocalypse, I don’t want my friends stuck in a house with only a tomato for sustenance.”

“There’s a tomato in there?” he asked, his eyebrows high on his forehead. You only laughed. 


Luke swung the shopping basket aimlessly with one large hand, the other shoved in his pocket. You walked alongside him, picking out things to throw in the basket. After a while you noticed he was smiling at you. 

“What?” you asked, wondering what the cause of his shy grin was.

He chuckled deeply. “It’s like you’re my mom or something, making me hold the basket while you dump everything in there.”

You blushed. “Well, someone has to take care of you.” 

His arm brushed yours for a second and you glanced up at him, thinking that he needed something, but he only looked away quickly, clearing his throat. 

Suddenly, there was a guy in a beat up leather jacket in front of you. “Y/N?” he asked. Your heart stopped at the familiar sound of his voice. Your eyes widened in shock as you realized it was your ex-boyfriend. You had loved him more than you had ever loved anyone before, and the breakup was not mutual by any means, though he had thought it was. You always wished you could have had a do over.

“Derek! Hi,” you smiled. God, I hope I don’t sound desperate! You thought. 

“Hey,” his toothy grin spread across his face. “I can’t believe I ran into you. You’re looking great.”

You blushed, suddenly wishing you had put on a more flattering outfit before leaving Luke’s house. “Thanks, Derek. So do you.”

Luke looked back and forth between you two before walking away casually. He knew this was your ex-boyfriend, because he had met him once when you all went to a party together. Luke was such a considerate friend, giving you space to talk with him again.

“So, what have you been up to?” you asked. Act casual.

“Well, usually I’m wearing a bowtie and working at the theatre, but now I’m just a guy buying rabbit food,” he joked, gesturing to the lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and other vegetables that filled his basket. “I’m trying to eat healthier.”

“Oh, that’s cool!” you chuckled. “Going on another health kick?” When you two were together, he would work out all the time and be very careful about what he ate, but would always shower you with gifts of chocolates and sweets at every possible occasion. You smiled at the memory.

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