Let Us Create a Magical Adventure

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"We're here!" I slowly opened my eyes to the sight of my best friend, Reily, shaking my body and trying not to jump out of her seat and out of the descending plane.  We had flown out to Los Angeles, California for our vacation to celebrate our last year of college, courtesy of my parents.  

A voice came over the loud speaker as the plane started to graze the ground, stirring my anxiety even more, "You are now in Los Angeles, California.  Please exit the plane... Blah blah blah." I didn't care what the flight attendant had to say, I just wanted to get off the plane, and explore L.A.! Reily pounced over my lap, from her window seat to my middle seat, and grabbed both of our bags from the over head while I was left to take both of our carry ons' and met her in the airport.

After I restored phone service, I called my aunt to make sure that she was outside, and to let her know that we were on our way to the exit (after I found Reily).  "Let's go, we have a lot to see before heading up to Anaheim tonight," Reily was talking so fast, I don't think I heard her breathe.. 

I sped up my walking pace, and stopped in front of her, "Rei, breathe.  In, 2, 3,4, out, 2, 3, 4... good, keep going." I chuckled, then we kept walking towards the exit where my Auntie Ann was waiting (okay, I've called her that for as long as I can remember, don't judge! I'll just call her Ann from now on okay?).  Reily and I walked to the other end of the airport, until we reached the place where Ann told me she was, but she wasn't there.

"Hey, where are you?" I called her, confused.

Ann sighed, "I got kicked out by a cop.  Let me circle around and I'll get you girls."

"Okay.  We'll be here." I hung up, and we sat on a curb waiting.

While we caught up on all the Instagram, and Twitter notifications that we missed while on a plane for the past six hours, neither of us realized the group of guys sit next to us. "Hey," one of them nodded to us, and I looked up, not noticing that he was almost sitting on top of me. He had a deep, and think British accent, and I just had to sneak a peek at his face.

"Hi..." I gave him a confused look, but looking him up and down.  He had gorgeous blueish eyes, and a dark brown quiff going on with his hair, let's just say it looked like he needed a half a bottle of hair spray to keep it as high as it was.  He was awkward, but a cute awkward; not in a geeky way, but an attractive one.  He was about as stunning as a guy could be, I didn't know if I was dreaming or not.  I looked over at Reily, and she was practically drooling.

The guy scruffed up his hair a bit then continued, "We saw that you two had been sitting here for a while, and wanted to know if you needed a ride.  You girls look innocent enough," He shrugged and flashed a half-smile at us revealing two small dimples near the corners of his mouth.

"We'd at least like to know your name first." Reily chuckled and I widened my eyes at her, as if to say, "NO!"  

"I'm Dan," the one sitting next to me introduced himself, then introduced his three friends as, Woody, Kyle, and Will.

Reily rolled her eyes at me and said, "I'm Reily and this is Cameron." Why did she tell them our real names? They could've been kidnappers or sex traffickers!  

I shivered and Dan asked if I was okay. "Yeah," I replied. "Just a little tired from the flight."  The guys kept trying to engage us in conversation, but only managed to get Reily to talk to them.  As soon as Ann pulled up, I leaped off the ground and opened the trunk to her old Chevy.  I heard Reily exchange phone numbers with Dan, but I tried to ignore the fact that she may have just put her life in danger. 

I reached out for her bags to put them away as I heard a, "Bye Cameron, hope to see you again," in Dan's thick British accent trailing behind me.

"Bye," I breathed out, and almost pushed Reily into the backseat, so that we could leave, as fast as we could.  "Reily! Why?" I tried to keep myself from squealing at her.

"What happened?" Ann asked, and I shot her a you-don't-want-to-know look, but she nodded at me to go ahead.

I rolled my eyes, then told her, "Reily gave her phone number to a British stranger, who basically sat on top of me.  Even though he has gorgeous eyes, and is just so gorgeous, I don't know what to do with my self right now..." I trailed off, rambling about Dan's features.

"See it was worth it! He thinks you're beautiful as well Cam!  It's not as bad as you cracked it up to be!" Reily laughed, and Ann just looked at us.

"Come on, let's go into town, and we'll hit Hollywood before we drive up to Disneyland tonight." Ann put her arm around my shoulder, and I sighed.  I couldn't stop thinking of Dan, and how he could possibly be a serial killer.

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