Wake Me Up When It's All Over

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I didn’t want to turn around, but I did anyway.  Whoever drove off the road, had a black SUV, and heavily tinted windows.  Facing the car, I tried backing up but wound up backing into the barricade separating the woods from the shoulder of the road.  The passenger’s side door, opened but since it was facing away from me, I couldn't see who was getting out of the car.   My heart was beating out of my chest, this was going to be my last day on Earth.  I could feel it in my bones.  A tall man, with dark brown hair that hung below his ears approached me.  He had a black t-shirt on, with light wash jeans and a worn brown leather jacket on.

“Who the fuck are you?” I screeched at him, not knowing if he was going to hurt me or not.

“Are you lost?” The man asked with a mid-range voice.  He was whispering, but talking loud enough so that I could kind of hear.

“I won’t answer any questions until you tell me who you are.”  I stood up for myself, for once.  He took a few steps towards me, making his lean figure tower of mine. I took a step backwards, but only backing into the wall again.  I put my hand back to keep me from falling, but also for support if I needed to get away.  

He looked me up and down, as if to plan out his attack.  “Come on, I’ll take you home.”  The man reached out to snatch my wrist, but I pulled away, and clocked him in the nose.  He was bend over, heaving and holding his now bloody nose.  I jumped over the concrete barricade, and ran.


The next thing I remember is waking up to a white room, with paintings of flowers on the walls.  I tried to sit up, but I couldn’t.  There were needles in my arms, and machines beeping all around me.  I didn’t know what to do, except scream.  A nurse came rushing into the room, and placed her small hands on my shoulders.  “Hush, you’ll be okay,” is all she said.

“Where am I? Why am I here?” I asked viciously.

“You’re at The Mount Hospital.  Do you remember your name?” She took a chart off of the end of my bed, and wrote some notes down.  

I hesitated for a moment, “I-I’m Cameron MacAllister.  I live at…” and I continued on to my address and asked if she could call Kristie, and gave the nurse her phone number.  “Wait,” I asked before the nurse left the room.  “Why am I here? What happened to me?”  I was in tears, wondering about Dan, and Kristie, and Alex.

“Honey, a couple found you in the woods near here.  We don’t know how you got there, or why you were there.  But when they called you in, you were unconscious.  You were in a coma for three weeks… I’ll call the doctor in to tell you exactly what’s been going on.” She smiled weakly, then walked out of the room.  Her blue scrubs swishing as she walked.  In the orner of my room, there was a small television set playing the news.  I reached for the remote on the table, and turned the volume up higher.  

“Dan…” I whispered to myself as a picture of him and the rest of Bastille came up on the screen.

“Since lead singer, Dan Smith’s girlfriend has been missing for the past three weeks, the band has put their tour on hold, until his beloved Cameron comes home…” I was crying harder than I already was.  My phone, along with my clothes were resting on a chair across the room, under the television.  I pressed the red call button, for the nurse.  

“Yes, honey?” She slid in, smooth and almost unoticeably.

I swallowed, trying to lubricate my dry throat.  “Can you please hand me my phone.  I need to call someone, very important.”

“It doesn’t have enough battery to call someone.  I can look up the number in the phone book?”

“It wouldn’t be there.” I was sobbing, and my voice was cracking wildly.  “You have to call the police, and tell them that I’ve been found.  I have to see him.” I reached for her hand, and held it tightly with both of mine.  “It’s not fair, he has to know.”


“Dan—Dan Smith; I’m the Cameron he’s been looking for.  Please, go now.”  She stared at me with wide eyes, and a saddened face.

“Oh, God, it is you.” She smiled, and rushed out of the room and to the nurse’s station.  I watched from the window that she looked up a phone number and called someone.  I watched her speak, and smile, until she eventually hung up the phone, and rushed to find the doctor.

I waited for what seemed like hours for the doctor to come in, but he didn’t have much to say.  “You have a fracture in your left ankle, a slight concussion, and you were severely dehydrated.  You were probably in the forest for a day and a half before those people found you.  We did call the police as well, and two detectives will be over in a few minutes or so.  Anyway, if someone comes to claim you, you can be out of here as soon as tomorrow.”   I thanked the doctor, and as soon as he left, a man and a woman both in suits entered the room.

“Hi, Cameron?” The woman asked and I nodded.  They both looked at each other, and the man pulled out a picture from his jacket’s inside pocket.  He looked at me, then at the picture, then back at me.  The two detectives nodded at each other, then approached me.  “I’m Detective Samuels, and this is Detective Johnston.  Do you know why you ran away?” She asked and I sighed.

“I can’t clearly remember.  The last thing that I do remember though, is getting into a fight with my friend, Alex.  We were at the To Kill a King concert on the 16th.” I told them, trying my hardest to remember anything else, but I couldn’t.  “Can I just talk to Dan please? I need to talk to him, he’s probably worried sick.” I was stuttering, and I couldn’t breathe.  I felt as if I was being suffocated by the anxiety of Dan not knowing where I was, or that I was okay.

Detective Johnston stared at me for a second before answering my question, “We informed your parents that we had a lead, but we decided not to call him until we were certain that it was you.  Now that this case is closed, you’ll be able to see him, after you answer a few questions.”

I swallowed.  “Ask away, but warning you that I don’t remember much.”

The detectives asked me questions about when I was in California, and my relationship with Dan, and why I came home.  I answered as truthfully as I could.  All I wanted was to see him, and for us to be together again. There wasn’t much I could answer.  After an hour of questioning, the two detectives looked at each other, “We’ll send for Mr. Smith, and he should be here in less than an hour.” Detective Samuels smiled down at me, as she and Detective Johnston rose to leave.  I thanked them, and the two detectives left in silence.

I was left to stay in bed until the nurse came into my room to ask if I needed anything.  “Your boyfriend just called, he wanted us to let you know that he was on his way over to see you, honey.” She smiled at me, and I smiled back, tears rolling endlessly down my cheeks.  

“He’s coming back for me, after all the shit I put him through.  I knew something was going to bring us together again, and it really was true love.” I half whispered to myself, but half didn’t.  I wanted the nurse to hear me, but I also didn’t.  “I left him, you know.  It was overwhelming, so I left him in America, while I came running home.  I was such an ass, but somehow everything is going to work out… I hope.” 

The nurse sighed, “You’re lucky to have him.  He seemed to be ecstatic when I was on the phone with him.  He was happy that you’re okay.  Oh, he should be here soon.  You should pull your hair up, it’s messy from you laying in the bed.” She smiled, and walked out of the room, leaving me with my make up bag on my lap and the television whispering quietly in the background.


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