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Before my family left, they decided that they were all going to rent hotel rooms, and come to the concert the next night.  They wanted to ‘make sure that Dan was a suitable husband for me’.  They were all embarrassing me, but I honestly knew that Dan wouldn’t mind.  

After they all left, my mom went to bed, and the guys stayed for a little while longer.  I went to bed around two in the morning, but Dan, Kyle, Will, and Woody still sat on the couch, and talked.  I don’t know what they talked about, but they were down there for a while.

I sent Reily a picture of my ring, knowing that she was in school, and that she was probably asleep in California, so I didn’t want to call her.  She responded almost immediately, and then called me.  “HOW DID HE DO IT?” She screamed as I hit the answer button.

“I took him to the park off Valley, and he did it there.” I still couldn’t believe this was happening.  

She sighed, “I’m sorry we haven’t really talked since California, I just… I—your mom called me, saying that you were missing, and I just felt like it was my fault—“

“Reily, it wasn’t your fault.  It wasn’t anyone’s fault.  Everyone made up, and we’re all good now.” I reassured her, but she didn’t believe what I was saying.

We argued about it for a little while before I stopped her. “Listen, next week Bastille will be at the Staples Centre, I’ll talk Dan into getting you a ticket and pass.  I miss my best friend.”  I was close to tears.  “Reily… I also want to ask you something,”

“Anything Cam.”

“Will you be my maid of honour? I can’t get married without my best friend there.”  I smiled, even though she couldn’t see me.

Reily let out a scream so loud, I had to hold my phone away from my ear. “HELL YES!” 

I laughed, “I have to go,” Dan wandered into my bed room, and cocked his head at me while he played with his hair.  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”  I hung up the phone, and Dan shut the door.  “What’s the occasion?” I asked as he started changing into an old t-shirt and sweatpants.  I got out of bed, and changed into my dad’s old painting shirt and a pair of leggings.  Dan, without a shirt, came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist while my back was still facing him.  

“I love you,” he mumbled while he rested his cheek against my bare back.  

“If you loved me, you’d let me put on my shirt,” I twisted my body around, and tried to pry him off of me.  Dan let go, and we both finished changing, then got back into bed.  In England, we’d just be getting up at that time, so we weren’t tired.  

Dan and I laid in my old bed, just talking about our wedding.  And what we had fantasised it as being.  We both wanted something private, where their fans couldn’t find us.  That’s when he did it… He tweeted it out that he was engaged.  I was so nervous, I was this close to having a panic attack.

I sat up in bed, “But—But everyone’s going to hate me, and they’re all going to hate you, and the band.  I can’t have that.”

Dan put his hands on my shoulders and stared into my eyes.  “If they hate you, then they’re not real fans.  If they love me, then they’ll love you, because we’re happy together.  I love you more than anything, Cameron.  Just ignore those haters, because they’re not worth either of our time.”  His voice made my heart melt.  I couldn’t breathe when he talked.  We fell asleep soon after, my head on his chest, and his arms wrapped around me.

The next morning all I heard was my mother yelling at no one.  Dan was still sleeping, but his back was facing me, so I slid out of bed.  I snuck down stairs, and saw my mom pacing around the kitchen on the phone.  It was my father.  He was probably talking about how he wanted to meet Dan before we announced our engagement, but deep down he didn’t care.  My dad was always laid back, and wanted me to go out, and be a rebel.  But once I became rebellious, he hated me.  No, he didn't actually hate me, but he wished I was different sometimes.  “Cameron! It’s your father, come talk to him!” she called over to me.  I reluctantly hopped off the last step, and took the phone from her hand.  

“Hi dad.”

“Cameron, I can’t believe this guy asked you to marry him…”  he said with an angry tone.  I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn’t see me.


He cut me off, “Do you love him?” 

“Yes,” There was no doubt in my mind that Dan loved me, and that I loved Dan.  It was obvious to anyone who saw us together.

My dad swallowed hard, “Then I’ll be at the wedding.  I love you Cam, I just want you to be happy.  And if Dan makes you happy, then… I can’t wait to meet my new son-in-law.”  I smiled, and we talked for a few more minutes about Leeds, and Dan, and everything.  

After we hung up, Dan came lumbering down the stairs.  I saw him, and leaped into his arms.  He held me in the air, without either of us saying a word.  I loved the feeling of being able to call him mine, and being able to do romantic stuff like that with him.  He made me feel safe, loved, comfortable, beautiful, and so much more.  I knew that no matter what, Dan would be there for me, through it all.  There was no doubt in my mind that would happen.  

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