Just Around the River Bend

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Eventually, we stumbled upon the ‘Jungle Cruise’ and Woody stopped in front of it, “Can we go on something a little… relaxing?” He asked, and the rest of us followed him into line, and we were the first ones on the next boat.  It seemed that everywhere we went, someone knew who Bastille was, and wanted to take a picture with them.  I wasn’t complaining, but it was annoying stopping every ten feet for them to take pictures with fans, and the fans asking Reily or I to take their pictures (mostly they asked me, because ya know I’m me).  Even the kid driving the boat knew who they were, and started fan-boying (is that even a thing? or is it still fan-girling?) when we got on.

Bastille? How are you guys doing? I’m a huge fan!”  He was trying not to get antsy, and was trying his hardest to stay calm.  T he kid then asked for a picture, and I took it, careful not to drop his phone in the water.  After the pictures, we sat down, and he began taking us through the ride.  Dan sat next to me, and put his arm around me, and rested his right one on the side of the boat.  I still had his sweatshirt on, so his arms were exposed to the cold air of the night.  I noticed the wristbands still on his wrists from the festivals they had played the previous summer.  The sun was in the middle of setting, and it was romantic for the most part.  I leaned into Dan’s chest as we rested during the boat ride ‘through the jungle’.  We laughed, and we awed over how cute the baby animals were, even though they were animatronics, and not real elephants or hippos.  I know that Kyle and Reily were probably doing the same thing, and that Will and Woody were also probably judging us.  I turned my body so that I was leaning against Dan’s side/chest.  I touched his wrist with the wristbands, and Dan put his other arm around my waist.  I played with his bracelets, and held his hand with both of mine. Will and Woody, whom were sitting across from us, copied our position, with Will pretending to be me and Woody acting as Dan.  I saw them try to recreate how we were sitting, and I started laughing, getting Dan’s attention, and he joined in on the laughter until Reily and Kyle then joined in.  The few other people on the boat just looked at us like we were weird, and tried to ignore us.

The kid who was operating the ride, tried to get us engaged in a conversation, and tried to incorporate us into the ride.  “How has your California experience been so far?” He asked and Dan answered.

“It’s been absolutely mental so far!  It’s our holiday, so no gigs until we got back to London Tuesday.”  It was Wednesday, I only had six days with Dan before returning to my plain cream colored dorm room at Leeds.

“Are you guys staying in the park?” The kid then asked as the ride was coming to a close and we were pulling back up to the loading dock.

Kyle let go of Reily, and was trying to crack his back, “Nah, but we’re planning on coming here a lot over the next week.” He laughed. Reily then smiled over at me, and then up at Kyle.

As we were getting off the boat the kid put his hand on Dan’s shoulder and said, “Dude, my girlfriend is coming tomorrow to visit me, and it would be so awesome if I could get you guys to say hi to her and take a picture?  Is that a little far-fetched?” Dan told me to keep going and that he’ll meet me at the exit.


I did what Dan told me to do, and when he came out, there was a huge grin across his face.  “What did you just do?” I asked, while he put his arm around me, and I clung to his torso.

“Wait and see,” he smiled down at me, and I just rolled my eyes.  He was smitten, but I didn’t know what he was smitten about.  The rest of the group was a coupled feet in front of us, so we jogged to get next to Will and Kyle, who had separated himself from Reily.  

We walked around for a little bit longer, until we were all to exhausted to think.  We made a mutual decision to make our way through the park, and back to the monorail.  As we arrived at the station, we were the only ones getting on, since everyone else was going to on of the performances that we were sure to catch later in the week.  

On the monorail, Dan and I sat exactly where we did earlier.  I rested my head on his shoulder, and almost fell asleep, but he wouldn't let me.  "Cameron," he whispered when he heard my soft snoring begin.  "Cam," I didn't answer the first time, but I made sure to this time.

        "Yes, Daniel?" I asked, annoyed that I couldn't sleep.

        "Don't fall asleep, wait until we get to your hotel."  

        I was half asleep, and not listening to him, "Why?"  But Dan was asleep.  

We reached the parking lot again, and Will shook my arm to wake Dan and I up.  Kyle drove home, leaving Woody and Reily in the middle seats, and Dan and I all the way in the back again.  I must've fallen asleep again, because when I woke up, I wasn't in my hotel room...


**A/N Sorry this chapter is a bit short.  I'm having a mental block, and I'm also super tired b/c of finals this past week, and the first portion of next week.  If you've ever taken Latin, with a teacher that's incredibly horrible, you might just feel my pain**

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