I Wish This Night'll Never End

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“Nick…?” I saw my ex-boyfriend, standing on the sidewalk, only a couple feet away from me.  “W-what are you doing here?” I hadn’t seen him since I graduated from high school.  I knew that my mouth was hanging open.

Nick put his hand down, and rubbed the back of his neck, a mannerism that Dan had as well.  “I’m here with my fiancée, actually.” I gulped, and he noticed.  He had always noticed every little thing that I did.

“Kathryn?” The name of the girl that he cheated on me with.  I moved to Leeds a few days earlier that I could’ve, and my first day of school, I got a phone call that he’d cheated on me at a house party.

“Yeah,” he sighed, and I kept pacing.  

A few seconds later, Dan burst through the door. “Cam, I—“ He saw Nick, and stopped.  “Who’s this?” 

“Dan, meet Nick.  Nick, this is Dan.” Tears started to have race down the surface of my cheeks, that were already red enough from the sun.  “Well, this is a great day…”I muttered under my breath, but both Nick and Dan heard me.

“Sorry mate, but I need to talk to Cameron.  Preferably alone, it’s important.” Dan tried to approach me, but Nick stopped him.

“Mate? What are you? A Briton?  And, I need to talk to her as well, seeing to the fact that we dated for over three years, before she met you.” 

They started arguing, until I decided that I called the shots.  “CAN YOU BOTH SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I screamed, as loud as I needed to, to get them to stop.  “Look, Nick.  You should go be with your fiancée.  Whatever you ‘need’ to tell me can wait.  I really need to talk to Dan right now.” Nick tried to put up a fight with me, but I stopped him.  “Nick, please.  I have to do this.”  He nodded, knowing how much I hated his guts, and went back into the restaurant.

“Cam I—“ Dan started as soon as the door closed behind Nick.

I turned away from him, “Dan, I’m so sorry.  I didn’t mean to say that, and I’m so embarrassed.  I don’t know what to do.”   I was hoping he still thought I was sane.

“Cameron, I wouldn’t want anyone else to call me their boyfriend,” Dan held me by the shoulders, and started into my eyes.  He searched in my eyes, until he found it.  “Even if it was accidental.”

My heart nearly skipped a beat, “I don’t know what to say, I honestly don’t…” I tried to figure out what to say next.  “Do we—I mean, are we—“ 

Dan cut me off, “An item? Together? Boyfriend and girlfriend?” We laughed, and both smiled at each other, genuine smiles.  

I saw his eyes slowly drift down towards my lips.  Did I want to kiss him? I didn’t have time to even think before I whispered, “What are you waiting for?”  His perfect lips crashed into mine.  I wrapped my arms around his neck, and his arms snaked around my waist.  Dan pulled me, closer into him, until we were nose to nose.  I was the first one to pull away, instantly regretting it, but I needed to catch my breath.  

“Why’d you stop? I was enjoying that!” He sounded like a whining little kid.

“I couldn’t breathe.  You just… take my breath away.” I knew I sounded cheesy, and that was the point.  It was a fluffy moment, so I took advantage of the sarcastic fluffy comments that I could make.  But, I made him laugh.  Dan then put his arm around my shoulders, as we walked back to our table.  Everyone else was getting up to leave, so we walked in, and walked right back out.

Mutually, we decided to stay around for the water show that night, so we spent a few more hours at the park before getting on the monorail.  After getting in the car, and saying our goodbyes to Ann and Ian, the boys, Reily and I decided that Dan and I would get Reily and my room tonight, and Reily would go home with Will, Woody, and Kyle (even though Kyle begged to come with Dan and I).  

They dropped Dan and I at my hotel, and we walked as if we were super drunk, to the elevator and from there to the room.  I had the extra key, but was so tired I forgot how to open the door.  Dan and I fell on the floor laughing, me in his arms.  “You know what, let’s not stay here.  Let’s go clubbing!” He suggested as we were in a heap on the floor.  There was an hourly bus that drove from the hotel to Downtown Disney, where there were a few bars, and clubs.  It was ten minutes to eleven, so we went back to the lobby, and down to the bus stop. We laughed at nothing until the bus came and dropped off a few drunk young adults.  We were the only two to get on the bus, and Dan almost tripped up the stairs and found a seat in the middle.  I sat across the aisle from him, and we just laughed the whole ten minutes to the next stop.  

“Be careful!  I run this bus all night, but I won’t come looking for you if you get in trouble!” yelled the bus driver as we stumbled off.  Eventually, Dan found this dive club.  We walked in, and sat at a high table in between the bar and the dance floor. 

A young waitress came over to us, “What would y’all be having?” 

“Round of shots for the both of us, please.” Dan laughed, and I protested, but she had already walked away.  The next thing I knew, she came over with a tray full of little shot glasses with a slice of lime on the top.

“Enjoy,” she rested two on the table, then moved on.

Dan shot me a devilish smile, “We do this together, or not at all.” He had to scream over the thumping music.  His accent muffling his words together, for if I had not lived in Leeds, I wouldn’t have known what he had just said.

“Oh God, Okay…” I counted down from three, and on one, we chugged then took the lime and sucked on them (I’m sorry, I’m prone to making dirty puns).  The tequila singed my throat, but the lime helped a little bit.  I squealed a little bit, making Dan laugh.  “I haven’t done shots since May, when my friend Mark took me out for my birthday.” Anecdotes were exactly what we needed.

“The last time the guys and I did shots, Will got a tattoo on his bicep of the name to our album.  In depressed, teenage girl font,” he laughed, and I gave him a half smile.  I was a depressed, teenage girl and that kind of hurt when he made fun of it.  I was extraordinarily sensitive to people who made jokes about being depressed or anything like that.  But I shrugged that comment off, and tried to have fun with Dan.  “Another round for the lady!” He yelled to the waitress, who nodded right back at him.

 We talked aimlessly, doing a few shots.  Eventually, the DJ recognized him, and played a ‘Pompeii,’ and ‘Bad Blood’ mashup/remix.  “This is MY song!” Dan squealed like a girl, then took my hand and pulled me out onto the dance floor.  We danced and laughed, and had a great night.  

 And that’s all I remember from that night… 


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