We're Here!

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After the thirty minute ride from LAX to downtown Hollywood, we found a parking lot, off of Santa Monica Blvd, and wrote down the address, so that we could eventually find our way back.  I got out of the car, and smoothed my high waisted light washed jean shorts, and ‘The Breakfast Club’ tank-top.  I probably looked like a freak, but I was just so psyched to be in the city, this place that I’ve dreamed about going since I was a little kid.  The three of us walked for what seemed like miles until we found the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and found Kurt Cobain’s star.  He had been my idol since I was fourteen, and I wanted to put flowers on his star, since he didn’t have a grave.  After having a touching moment at Kurt’s star, we continued to walk until we read ever single star out loud.  After walking, and just absorbing the Hollywood atmosphere, Reily tapped me on the shoulder, “Look!”  She handed me her phone, and I almost dropped it.  Dan had texted her an address to a restaurant in Anaheim, and told her that she and I should go up to meet them for dinner at six o'clock.  It was passed three then, and she was urging for us to leave L.A, and drive up earlier so that we could have dinner with them.  Ann and I tried to discourage her, but it didn’t work.

“Reily, come on.  Let’s have a fun night in the city! We can see them later!”  We would tell her, but she wouldn’t back down.  Ann and I exchanged a look, and began our half a mile hike back to the parking lot, and began our hour journey to Anaheim, and our hotel across the street from Disneyland.  


Reily kept in touch with Dan, and his friends the whole ride up, until she and I fell asleep on each other in the backseat.  Ann woke us up as she was pulling over at a restaurant off the highway to stop and grab a snack.  Reily had seventeen new text messages, from Dan and company,  after the twenty minutes we were asleep.

“You two lovely ladies in the mood for some In-n-Out?” Ann asked, referring to the In-n-Out Burger she was pulling up to.

Reily wanted food, but I didn’t, still feeling queazy from the Dan encounter.  I was pretty scared about what was going to happen between Reily and Dan, or all of us.  Ann turned off the car, and the three of us walked into the burger joint together.  Reily and I, exhausted from the plane ride, went straight to a table after telling Ann what we wanted. Reily, a burger, and a bottle of water for me.

“You okay?” she asked me, as we found a comfy booth to sit in, and I almost fell over because I was so tired.

I fought to keep my eyes open, even though we were only ten minutes from the hotel, I could’ve just fallen asleep there and then.  I shook my head no, and Reily continued to tell me about how Dan is a nice guy.  “Reily, you’ve known the guy for a matter of hours.  You don’t know anything about him.  You only know what’s on the outside, not the inside.” I argued with her about whether or not to trust him until I finally ended it with, “Fine! Let’s just go to dinner and see how it is.  I don’t trust him, because I don’t know him, but at least I’ll be there for you if something bad happens.”  Then, Ann came over with our food, and that was that.  The argument was done, for now.  I still didn’t want to go, but I wasn’t going to let her go alone.


After Ann and Reily finished eating, we got back in the car and continued up to the hotel, and Disneyland.  After checking into the hotel, Reily and I drugged up to the elevator to get to our room.  Ann was going back to L.A. that night, and was coming back the next morning with her boyfriend, Ian, and the four of us were going to Disneyland the next day.

As soon as we reached our room, I called the bed next to the window with the balcony by laying down and instantly falling asleep.  “Damn,” I heard Reily whisper as she crawled into her own bed, after setting an alarm on her phone to wake us up an hour before Dan and his friends were coming to pick us up for dinner.  I woke up before the alarm.  Reily was out-cold, and I was refreshed.  I felt as if I could run for miles, even though I’d probably die as soon as I got out the door, in this California heat.  I checked my Tumblr, and my Twitter over and over again until the alarm went off, and Reily sprung out of bed.

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