Home Sweet Home...

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Cameron’s P.O.V:

The next morning, we woke up around ten in the morning.  Mrs. Howard was yelling at us from the base of the stairs to get up, and to eat breakfast before we head back out to Leeds.  She had make us American pancakes, because she knows that no matter what, I’ll always miss America.

Kristie and I ate our breakfast quickly, then I helped her pack for the next month until Uni started back up again.  I had left by luggage in her car, so all I needed was my phone before we left.  We said goodbye to her parents, they gave me hugs and kisses before their own daughter, then got in Kristie’s car and drove up to Leeds.  

In the car, I had to physically stop Kristie from putting on Bastille.  Just seeing their band name broke my heart.  We stopped half-way in between her parents’ house and my flat, and I asked to drive the rest of the way.  I didn’t want to sleep the whole drive up. We chose to take the long way, past Sheffield, and Nottingham.  Then, I decided to call Alex when we approached the edge of Sheffield, about an hour away from home.

“We’re almost home.  How’s Benny?” I was missing my puppy.

Alex laughed, “You don’t even want to know how I am?” 

I snorted. “I care more about my dog, then you.  Just kidding! Do we have food there?” Alex asked me to pick up a few things that he’d run out of since staying at my flat.  We said our goodbyes, and Kristie and I rode the rest of the way to the supermarket in silence.

After stopping at the supermarket and getting some things, like ice cream, pizza, and tea, Kristie and I headed to my flat.  Alex’s car was parked outside, and so was mine.  Benny in hand, Alex burst through the door and ran into my arms.  “How was your trip?” He handed me the puppy, then Alex took my bags out of the trunk, while Kristie and I split the grocery bags.  I tried to ignore his question, but as soon as we got upstairs, Alex asked it again.

“It was…” I trailed off. “Eventful is the only way to really explain it.”

“She hooked up with Bastille” Kristie was getting out the ice cream that we bought, and three spoons from the drawer.  

“No, I didn’t!” I looked at Alex, and he looked at the floor, his cheeks turning a deep red.  Kristie handed me my pint, then Alex his, each with a spoon stuck in them.  I smiled at her, while she sat on the sofa next to Alex; I was on the love seat, with Benny.  “The lead singer, had a thing for me.  But… I-I couldn’t do it.” Benny noticed that I was crying and snuggled himself up to mine.  I could feel his warm, little body inflating, and deflating as he breathed.

“Oh, look at Cameron! She’s finally getting the hang of this ‘sleep with people’ thing,” Alex nudged Kristie, and they both laughed.  Tears started penetrating the boarder my eyes provided from the outside world.  I tried to blink them back, but it wouldn’t work.  

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, someone was calling me.


I shuddered, but decided that it was better late then never to answer him.  “Hello?” I was crying, you could hear it in my voice.

“Cameron, oh thank God you’re okay.  Are you in Leeds? Are you home? I’m so sorry.  What did I do wrong?” He was speaking in circles, and talking so fast that his words morphed together. 

I was shaking. I then excused myself and went into my bedroom, shut the door behind me, and continued to cry.  “You did nothing wrong.  I just need time to process everything.  I’m just confused.  I need time, Dan.” I wiped the tears from my eyes, and sat on my bed.  There were too many thoughts running through my mind at that moment.  

“Listen to me, I won’t let anything happen to you, ever.  You’re all that matters to me anymore, Cam.  I love you.” I didn’t say anything, so Dan continued.   “My friend, Ralph, his band uh, To Kill a King, is performing tonight, at O2 Academy in Leeds. I believe I remember you saying how much you liked them.  I called him, and he hooked you and your friends up with tickets, and he’s inviting you backstage.  The shows at seven, and he said to come around half past six.  Please Cam, he just wants to talk to you.”  

I sighed, and thought for a couple of seconds, “Okay… Sure.  We’ll go.  But, if he starts harassing me about you, I won’t hesitate to get up and leave.” Then I realized that it was four in the morning, US time. “Dan, did you stay up all night, just to call me?” I was a little scared.

“No, I couldn’t sleep, and our flights in a few hours." He was lying, his flight wasn't until the next day  "Then I decided to call you.  I miss you, and I love you.  I need to see you soon.  Please, I’ll come right to Leeds, as soon as I land if I can see you.”

“Dan I—“

“No, Cameron Elizabeth, I love you.  And there’s nothing in this world that I wouldn’t do for you.  So shut up, and let me see you—”

“Dan!” I had to scream to make him stop talking.  “I’m not ready.  I need time! What part of that don’t you understand?” I was full out sobbing, and I couldn’t control it.  I knew that my whole body was probably shaking.

He hesitated before continuing, “I’m sorry… I’m just worried about you.  Nevermind, I’ll just go.  See you in October.  But call me, if you want to meet up sooner.  I won’t bother you again.”  He was crying too, but when I tried to say something, he hung up.

“FUCK!” I screamed and threw my phone on the ground.  But it bounced and hit the wall instead.  I was sobbing violently, like a small child throwing a temper tantrum.  I grew myself on the bed, and cried.  I was regretting everything now.  I tired to call Reily, but she must’ve been asleep, and didn’t answer.  I put a pillow over my face, to mute the screaming.  I accidentally rolled myself out of bed, and fell on the floor, to my dismay. 

There was knocking at the door, and I looked up.  Alex was peeking through the crack between the door frame and the actual door. “Hey sweetheart,” I was still crying, that even Alex’s sweet voice couldn’t get me to stop.  He came and sat next to me on the floor, he then wrapped his arms around my body and held me close to his chest.  “Jeff called Kristie, and he’s on his way.  So are Maureen and Caitlin.”  My friends, they probably just wanted to know if Dan was any good in bed.  

Jeff was Kristie’s boyfriend, of almost three years.  He was one of my first friends in England, and he introduced Kristie and I.  I didn’t want to see anyone, especially Maureen.  She was a blonde haired, blue eyed, attention seeker.  All she wanted was to be in the spotlight.  When my friend from America called me to do Phantom with her, Maureen didn’t talk to me for weeks, and was determined to show my friends who were producing/directing it, that she was better than me.  But, I was their only person in mind for the role of Christine Daaé, and they didn’t even look at anyone.  Maureen wasn’t even in the ensemble. Caitlin on the other hand was one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.  She had light brown hair, and blue-ish eyes.  We had done some theatre together in the past, and she was cast as Madame Giry in our Phantom, after I had put in a good word with the director. 

“No, Lex.  I don’t want to see anyone, please.” I snuggled into his chest, still crying.

“Jeff is taking Kristie out, but I’m not sure about Caitlin, and Maureen…” he trailed off.  I moved away from him, and threw my head back.  I stared up at the ceiling, trying to gather my thoughts, but all I saw was Dan.

“You wanna go to a concert tonight? It’s at O2.  I need to do something, and not just stay home and be depressed.” I didn’t mention Dan when Alex agreed to go with me, he didn’t need to know.  Alex just nodded and said yes.  He held out his arms, and hugged me.  I hugged him back, and we just sat on the floor until we heard the door open.  

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