It's My Life, But I Don't Want to Talk About it

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As we got outside, Dan tried texting Woody, and Kyle to find out where they were, but no one answered.  I texted Reily, but she didn’t answer either, so we kept going.  “Here!” I saw the sign for ‘The Big Thunder Mountain Railroad’ and grabbed Dan’s wrist to pull him over to the relatively short line, again. (Okay we must’ve picked a really good time to go to the parks.)

“Okay, this was my favorite ride when I was younger, so don’t judge me.” 

Dan took my hand, and intertwined his fingers with mine, “Why would I ever judge you?” I shrugged and we talked about England.  I don’t necessarily know how we got to talk about his homeland, but we did.  We talked about his favorite places in Hyde Park, or on the uni campus.  We were so similar it was scary… we both loved this one place in Hyde Park where there’s always perfect shade, and other things as well.  We talked about once we’re both in London at the same time, that we were going to go to Tralfagar Square and pose with the lion statues surrounding the square.  

“You know how my friend is producing that musical that I’m in?  Well, we’re doing a small stay in the West End, as well as a National Tour in America.  Would you like to come?  I know it’s a little much to ask, but I’d really like it if you came to opening night.  Andrew Lloyd Webber, the guy who composed the whole thing with be there, and he’s giving a speech to honor our cast and our directors and everything.  And like in the twenty-fifth anniversary, all the original Phantoms, that are still alive, are coming and performing with me, after the real performance.  It’s a big deal, and I’m rambling… aren’t I?” I turned away from Dan, and looked down the line to where they were letting people board the train cars.

Dan remained quiet for a second before putting his free hand on my shoulder, and putting  his body in front of mine, “Cameron, I’d love to come and see you, as Christine.  And I’ll make sure that no matter what I can come, no matter what.” Then it happened… he kissed me.  Dan Smith of Bastille, kissed me. Well, not really, he tried to go for my lips, but second guessed himself and kissed my forehead instead.  Still, he pressed his lips against my face in some way, shape, or form.  From that moment until we got onto the ride, my whole body was shaking and I couldn’t stop it.  

“I’ll tell my friend once we’re in production.  We aren’t starting rehearsals until I graduate, in December.”  I told him once we got to the front of the line, and we had to wait for the next set of cars to pull in.

“December? I thought graduation was in July?” 

“I’m actually graduating early, I took an internship at a record company, not on their list and got extra credits.  I don’t know how it happened, but my professor said it was because I was really smart for going the extra mile,” Dan looked genuinely happy for me, and his eyes seemed to get brighter.  I wanted to stop talking about me, but Dan kept insisting that he wanted to get to know me better.  “Tell me about you, I don’t want to just keep talking about myself like I’m super special.  Besides, there’s parts of my story that I’d like to keep hidden for now,” I alluded to a dark part in my past, that Reily barley even knows about.

The next train eventually pulled up, and we chose the first empty car, with me leading him over.  “What do you want to know about me?  I’m not really keen on talking about myself either,” he chuckled, and I gave him a small half-smile.  The cars started going up the hill, and instead of talking, we were laughing about how Dan thought that this ride was going to be somewhat scary, but it wasn’t really.  Other than some sharp turns, and a couple unexpected small drops, it wasn’t too bad.  We went around one turn, and I slid over, crushing Dan against the side of the car.  I tried to pull myself back to the other side, but Dan somehow got his arm behind my back, and held me close to him, as if he was scared, and started  screaming; lots of screaming was coming from him on that ride.

“Dan! Let go!” I was laughing, but I wasn’t trying to.  As we came around another corner, we could look over the edge and out to where there were people standing.  For a split second, we saw Reily with Kyle, Will, and Woody looking up, and waving at us.  Dan waved back, then let me go.  Kyle’s arm was around Reily’s shoulders, and she was holding on to him as well.  I hadn’t seen Rely with a guy in… forever.  The ride then dipped a little, and I saw Dan tense up out of the corner of my eye.  I snorted, then we both started to laugh since the dip was maybe three feet deep at the most.    When the ride pulled back into the unloading area, Dan and I walked out hand in hand.  Obviously some teenage girls recognized him, because we heard screaming as we walked though the exit, and found our friends again.

“How was it?” Will winked at us, and Dan looked at me and chuckled a little bit. 

Dan stared at me for a couple of seconds then came back at Will, “Oh, shut up.” The group of us then started to walk around the park.

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