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That night, Dan and I cleaned the house, and got it all ready for my friends to come over. To be honest, I was outrageously nervous for everyone to meet Dan. He wasn't like my friends. We were geeky about comic books, and mythology, and musicals. While Dan was geeky about music, and books; but he was low key about his 'fangirling,' we weren't. My friends were into Harry Potter, and Norse mythology, while Dan loved his 90's television shows, that I couldn't understand.

"Dan," I sighed heavily.

He took two steps towards me, and reached out for my hands, "Cam."

"Don't embarrass me," I rolled my weight so that I was standing on my toes, and kissed him gently on the lips.

It was snowing out, but very lightly. People would've been arriving at any second. I was sure Athena would be first, my best friend since freshman year. Athena was like Athena, the goddess, but my Athena loved Norse mythology, not Greek myths. Yes, she was a strange one, but she was my best friend. And I was right! Athena walked through the door right before Dan decided to put out some chips and salsa.

"Cameron?" She yelled, as she walked up the first flight of stairs.

My head popped up, from talking to Dan, and I shot over to her. "Athena!" She basically jumped into my arms, and we held each other for a second, before I inevitably dropped her.

"Hi, I'm Dan. Cameron always forgets me." He walked over, and shook 'Thena's hand, but she pulled him into a hug anyway. "Oh, hello." Dan grunted, as she squeezed him closer.

"Dan, this is Athena; my best friend, from school." I introduced them, and the three of us sat at the dining room table, talking. But, it was mostly Athena and I catching up on all that I had missed while I was in Leeds, and she was still there.

The next to arrive was, Marina, and as soon as she walked in the house, the rest of the boys came to. Reily wasn't coming home for Christmas, because she couldn't afford the plane tickets. Both Dan, and I offered to pay for her, but she wouldn't let us.

"I'm here, the Phantom of the Opera!" Marina announced herself as she strode into my parent's dining room. Athena, and I just stared at each other until Marina came and pounced onto us. Will, Woody, and Kyle followed close behind Marina, and they just kept walking over to Dan.

Kyle leaned into Dan's ear and whispered, "Is she okay?"

"I don't know," Dan whispered back. I made a low laugh in the back of my throat.

Athena, Marina, and I held each other in an embrace, reconnecting for the first time since the previous winter. "Sorry guys," I pulled away, and introduced them all to each other. "Athena, Marina, this is Dan, Kyle, Woody, and Will..." They all shook hands, and they seemed to all take a liking to one another. We caught up, on life in Philadelphia versus life in Leeds. I missed high school and my life here.


I headed back to England four days later, after getting to say a proper goodbye to my parents, and my friends. I obviously couldn't go back to my flat, so Dan gave me the keys to his, and told me to pack as much as I could and live at his until he got back and I could officially move in. I left Kristie several messages, telling her that I was only coming to get my clothes and such, but she never replied. Alex never returned my texts either, I knew he was taking care of Benny, and I wanted to arrange a time to pick him up. I rented a car from the airport after I landed, and drove the 3 hours to my old flat.

When I arrived, no one but Benny was home. He jumped into my arms, he was so happy to see me. I gave him a treat then ran into my room. I threw all of my clothes in a bag before taking Benny's leash off the hook on the wall, and a few treats for the ride to Dan's place. I wrote a quick note for Kristie and Alex before heading out to my waiting car.

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