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it was already around 10 : 30 in the night or something, and hyunjin hasn't replied yet. was cute an insult to him? does he think cute is fat?

i was getting worried so i went to jisung's room. and i swear, his room is worse than a junkyard. sometimes, i just can't help cleaning his own room because it's too messy. how can someone survive days sleeping and staying there?

" jisung? " i said as i knocked at his door.

but there was no answer.

" jisung-ah? jisung oppa? " i said as i continued to knock at his door.

then it opened.

jisung was also holding his phone. his headphones were around his neck. no wonder why it took him long to open the door.

" what? " he asked.

" i know i don't talk about hyunjin all the time but-- "

jisung smiled at me teasingly. i just hit his arm.

" do you know what's happening to him? " i asked.

" the last thing he's messaged me was that he has a heart attack and that he needs oxygen and that he's currently screaming in his room along with jeongin. "

i was just silent.

" oh, okay. thanks. " i said as i closed his own door.

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