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" jaeyoung! " minhee greeted me as i got off the car.

i immediately gave her a warm hug. she hugged me back tightly. jisung was just standing beside me, smiling at the both of us.

minhee let go of the hug. i saw her glance at jisung and she began to blush like it's the first time she's seen him.

" i'm so relieved you're here. i can survive a day without you really. " she said.

" seriously? " i chuckled.

" have you ate lunch? "

" no but i'm full. " i answered.

" i'll be in the cafeteria, jae. " jisung said.

he gave me a side hug and smiled at minhee before leaving. minhee's cheeks turned darker than before.

" we had new lessons. jeongin and i will help you with them. " she said.

" thank you but i need you to help me with something else. "

" what is it? let's talk about it in the room. jeongin's waiting. " she said.

i nodded. the both of us walked inside the school and to our classroom. when i entered the room, jeongin was sitting on his seat. he was the only student there.

" hey, jeongin. " i said as i sat beside him.

" jaeyoung! where have you been? "

" i just woke up late. " i said, obviously not telling the truth.

" what did you want to talk about, jae? " minhee asked.

" it's just, i don't know. i don't know. i'm just so confused. my own thoughts and feelings are confusing me. and all of my thoughts and feelings are about seungmin and hyunjin. " i said.

" they almost fought earlier. " jeongin said.

" i know, i heard. "

" but they left and talked before i went here. i'm not sure about what they're talking actually. " jeongin added.

" whatever they may have talked about, i'm sure it's about how to get you. " minhee said.

" i blame myself for what is happening now. " i said, more of whispered.

" jaeyoung, don't. it was their decision. " minhee said.

i looked around and saw that a lot of students were around already. then after a few minutes, the teacher came. i fixed myself and class started.

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