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" h-hey. " i said as i got off the car and smiled at hyunjin.

jisung decided to drive me to hyunjin's house. he seemed to calm me down a bit while he was driving.

" have you ate breakfast? " he asked as he hugged me.

" yeah. " i answered as i hugged him back.

" so, this is the jaeyoung you've been talking about, jin? "

a girl appeared behind hyunjin. her arms were crossed but she had a not-so-mean smile on her face.

" jaeyoung, meet hyunmi, my younger sister. "

i bowed and she bowed back. she stood up straight, her hands not crossed anymore and her smile became more friendly.

" he talks about you a lot. " she said and laughed.

hyunjin hit her on the arm. i could see his cheeks turn pink.

" so, where are we supposed to take pictures? " i asked.

" oh, we'll go to the park after lunch. "

" does that mean i'm staying in your house for the whole day? "

" yup. "

" are your parents around? "

hyunjin laughed and smirked. " don't go to quick, sunshine. you're too excited. "

" oh god, hyunjin. i'm not talking about that! i'm just shy to meet your parents, you dumbass. "

" they're not around. but if you plan on doing something, let me do the first move. " he said and winked.

" please stop before i call jisung to pick me up. "

" hyunjin, stop it. you're so dirty minded. " hyunmi said.

" okay, okay. i will. let's go in? the sun is so hot, maybe it'll ruin your beautiful skin. " hyunjin said as he placed his arm around my shoulder and the both of us walked in.

hyunjin took his arm off me and went to somewhere, i assumed to the kitchen to get some drinks.

hyunmi and i sat beside each other on their couch. i was a bit shy since it was first time in their house.

" i'm sorry if hyunjin made you uncomfortable. " hyunmi said.

" oh, it's fine. he made me more uncomfortable before. " i said.

" i brought drinks! " hyunjin exclaimed as he entered the living room with two glasses of apple juice on both of his hands.

he smiled as he walked to me and gave me one of the glasses then sat beside me. i was now in between hyunmi and hyunjin.

" hey, what about me? " hyunmi asked hyunjin as she pouted.

" you can get some in the kitchen. " hyunjin told her.

hyunmi rolled her eyes at hyunjin. she stood up and went to the kitchen probably.

" make yourself feel at home. " he told me.

i just chuckled before drinking my apple juice. hyunjin placed his glass on the table in front of us. i felt his arms behind me.

my heart started to race and i just froze. i felt a feeling that i never felt before when i was around hyunjin. i could feel my fingers start to go cold and my cheeks heat up.

what does this mean? does this mean i may have feelings for hyunjin? but wait, didn't i had feelings for him? or did those feelings went to seungmin?

" j-jaeyoung? " hyunjin said as he lightly shaked me then i realized that i zoned out.

i blinked fastly which make me came back to my senses. " s-sorry. "

" you seemed to be deep in thought. "

" n-no, i was just, i-- "

" what is it? "

" n-nothing. "

" no, tell me. "

" i just remembered that i have a diet and apple juice has so much sugar which means i broke the diet rules. " i said, denying but it wasn't obvious anyway.

" you ate a lot yesternight. "

" that wasn't a lot. "

" you had to eat two cups of rice and a diet is only a half cup of rice. don't like i don't know, jaejae. "

" did you just call me jaejae? "

" stop changing the topic and tell me what's wrong. "

" nothing is really. i lost control last night. "

" really? "

" yeah and let's just get into photography please. isn't that the reason why i'm here? "

" yeah right. " he said as he stood up. " i'll just get my camera. "

he left the living room, making me alone. i got the chance to calm myself down before i could zone out later.

things may or may not get worse.

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