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i slowly walked out of my room. the house was now quiet. i was very sure jisung was in his room. i was about to open the door when someone called my name.

" jaeyoung? where are you going? "

i turned around and saw seungmin. seungmin was the less talkative one among them.

" i-i thought you guys already left. " i said.

" they're in jisung's room, watching some videos and stuff. i needed some water so i went out. you, where are you going? "

" umm, i'm meeting up with minhee to talk about something. "

" if it's about what happened earlier, we're sorry. if you think we planned the whole thing, we didn't. "

" but how were you able to enter without making any noise? "

" jisung told us to stay quiet because he knew that the both of you were alone in the house and he was up to something. hyunjin was about to cry when you went to your room. he likes you, a lot. "

i smiled at him and he smiled back.

" thanks for telling me, seungmin. i have to go now. bye, oppa! " i said as i walked out of the house.

i walked fastly to the café where i told minhee to meet me. the café wasn't far from our house either. it was just two blocks away.

when i arrived there, minhee was already there. i hurriedly walked in and sat in front of minhee.

" how did you walked out of the house? " she asked me.

" oh, seungmin was about to go to the kitchen and he told me that they were staying in jisung's room. "

" seungmin? "

" yeah. "

she nodded and sipped her coffee. i raised an eyebrow at her.

" what? " she asked.

" aren't we too young for coffee? "

" what's the purpose of going to a café and not drinking coffee? "

" cake. the cake they sell here are very delicious cake here. "

she laughed. i stood up and walked to the counter to order a slice of chocolate cake. i came back to the table with a plate of cake.

" so, what do you think they're doing now? "

" i'm not sure but what i'm sure of is that i have a lot to clean up when i return home. " i said.

" may i ask how jisung acts most of the time? " she asked all of a sudden.

minhee knows me a lot and i act a lot like jisung, except that i'm more clean and less annoying. and her asking this kind of question makes me curious.

" jisung? oh, he may be annoying but he can be sweet sometimes. he's full of aegyo. he jokes a lot, like almost every minute. he's so loud even though it's just him in his room. and just so you know, his ideal type is a girl who can cook and can accept his attitude. " i said.

" oh. " is all minhee says.

" minhee, you don't have to hide. we know each other too well. " i told her.

she looked up at me and blushed. " please don't tell him. "

" i won't. "

" but, don't you know? "

" what? "

" you never heard? "

" that? "

" seungmin liked you once. his feelings for you may or may not come back, okay? "

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