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" is this angle okay? " i asked hyunjin as i held the camera in a 90 degree angle.

we decided to leave early and eat lunch in his aunt's restaurant like before. and so, right now, we're at this popular flower garden where people visit to take pictures or buy some flowers or just learn about flowers.

i wad about to click the shutter when he placed his hands above mine and he corrected my angle.

i felt my heart beat faster again. i looked at him and our eyes immediately met. but i just smiled and continued to take a photo.

" how does this look? " i asked him again.

" that looks great! " he exclaimed as he took my camera from me. " but do you know what looks better? "

" what? "

" you. "

i stared at the ground as my cheeks heat up even more. i think my cheeks were so red that it's on the darkest shade of red and it was so hot that someone could basically cook an egg on my cheeks.

i looked at him and directly stared at his eyes which i found kind of awkward but i noticed him stare back.

" hey, look, that flower over there looks great. " i said as i pointed at a random flower and looked at my camera and took if from him.

" a rose? " he said.

holy shit, i pointed at a rose?!

" a rose?! " i asked, lowkey panicking because he might think that i want one from him.

i looked at me and smirked.

" i just randomly pointed at a flower. i'm not lying, i swear. " i explained to him.

" just admit that you want one. " he said.

" w-what? no way. i hate roses. "

" why would you hate roses? "

" they have thorns. "

" everyone's a rose, even you. the petals is the part that attracts us most. it's the same with people, the appearance attracts us, making us like someone. the thorns represents someone's flaws. it may be harmful but without thorns, a rose wouldn't be a rose. "

i looked up at him and smiled. he smiled back.

" i'm getting you a rose. " he added.

he turned around and walked to the counter. i was standing there, not knowing if i should stop him or let him do what he wants. but i decided to catch up with him.

" what?! i'm not going to bring a rose back home and making my parents think we went on a date-- "

" this is a date. so, you better keep quiet or i'm going to have to kiss you. " he said, his face was so close to mine.

he smirked and continued to walked. i was just following him silently. and while walking, i asked myself a few, or maybe a lot, of questions and i probably zoned out again.

but do i like hyunjin? no, not like. love?

i wasn't worried about falling for hyunjin though. what i was worried about was what if i fell for seungmin first? and what will happen to hyunjin and seungmin's friendship?

" you're zoning out again. " hyunjin said as he held the flower in front of me all of a sudden, making me startle a little.

" i'm s-sorry again. "

" did you get enough sleep? "

" maybe. " i said as i took the flower from him.

" i knew you wanted that rose. "

" i did not. "

" stop denying. "

" but why do you keep zoning out? do you have a project or something? did jisung scare you or something? did you had a nightmare? " he asked as the both of us walked out of the flower garden.

" n-no. "

then i remembered about my dream or nightmare last night or earlier. i didn't know if it would help me in deciding or nothing.

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