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i walked into the school with a happy feeling. i was only feeling cheered up because of hyunjin.

i was in the halls, walking to my room. i saw seungmin walking on the opposite direction as mine.

suddenly, a hand tightly grasped my arm.

" w-what? " i said, a bit startled and scared.

" can we talk? " he asked.

i slowly nodded. he dragged me to a corner. i got scared a little to be honest.

" w-what-- "

" i'm not going to do something bad. " he said as he laughed.

" then what do you want? "

" well, i wanted you before. "

my heart literally skipped a beat.

" but i don't deserve you. " he said as he looked down. " you and hyunjin are meant for each other. "

" hey, don't be sad. " i said as i placed my hand on his shoulder. " we're still friends, aren't we? "

i gulped my own saliva. what if i hurt his feelings even more because of what i just said? did i friendzone him or something?

seungmin looked up and smiled at me. he slowly nodded. " yeah. don't worry, i won't interfere your relationship. i don't want to be the bad guy or something. "

then suddenly the school bell rang. the both of us looked at each other and smiled.

" i gotta go now. see ya. " i said as i slowly walked away.

when i arrived at the room, minhee and jeongin were talking to each other. the teacher hasn't arrive yet.

" jaeyoung! where have you been? " minhee yelled when she saw me enter the room.

i walked to my seat with was beside her and placed my bag on the table.

" i just talked some stuff through with seungmin. " i said.

her and jeongin's faces turned worried from happy.

" he didn't do anything so don't worry. " i said as i sat down.

then the teacher came all of a sudden. classes had to start of course.

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