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after finishing my cake, minhee and i went to my house. minhee has a scooter so i had a ride. my feet was hurting from walking already.

when the both of us arrived, the boys were still there. the living room was messy as hell. chips were everywhere, the drinks were spilling, jisung's annoying singing voice echoed throughout the whole house as he attempted to hit a high note.

they didn't seem to notice that minhee and i were around since we were standing in a corner.

the eight boys were squeezing themselves in the couch and seungmin was just standing there with crossed arms.

" jisung, don't you think jaeyoung will have a hard time cleaning this mess? " seungmin asked jisung.

" i'll help her anyways. " hyunjin answered the question.

" you guys are drunk. " seungmin said.

" seungmin, why are you such a kill joy? this is just a little bit fun, okay? " minho said as he lifted a bottle of beer in the air.

" i'm sorry, i didn't mean to kill the joy. but there are other types of fun besides this. and aren't hyunjin, jisung, jeongin, felix and i underage? " seungmin said, getting a big angry.

" you should stop them. " minhee whispered to me.

i nodded and i sighed.

" seungmin is right. " i said as i snatched the bottle of beer from minho's hand.

" give it back, jaeyoung. " minho said as i tried to get the bottle back.

" i'm sorry, minho, but you're drunk. you all are. " i said.

" we aren't, jaeyoung. stop worrying. " hyunjin said.

" i am not worried at all, okay? i just hate it when it's a mess here. can't you just go to a bar instead? " i yelled.

" only woojin, minho, changbin and i can go to the bar. " chan said.

" well, this house is not a bar, for your information so get your asses off that couch. " i yelled at them.

they stood up. i caught jisung rolled his eyes. he walked to me and grabbed my wrist.

" i'm telling mom and dad. " he whispered to me.

i laughed. " as if i was the one who made something wrong. "

he let go of my wrist and left the house, so did the others. well, except for seungmin.

" seungmin, why aren't you with them? " minhee asked him.

" i don't like alcohol really. i'd rather go to the amusement park or just have karaoke with them. that's what i call fun. " he said.

i smiled at him. he smiled back. the three of us started to clean the house. without the eight guys, the house seemed peaceful.

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