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the bell rang. all of the students rushed out of the room. i slowly placed my stuff inside my bag. minhee and jeongin were waiting for me by the door.

" where should we go? " i asked them while we were walking out of the school.

i stopped walking when i caught jisung walking all alone. he was walking towards me.

" have you seen hyunjin? " he asked me.

" n-no. "

" seungmin? "

" i haven't seen him too. why? "

" they're gone. "

" what? why are you alone? "

" the guys and i decided to split directions to look for them. they've been gone after the bell rang. "

" try checking the flower shop or chocolate store. " minhee said.

" what could they be-- oh. " jisung said. " jeongin, come with me. we should look for them. "

" okay. bye, minhee, jaeyoung. see you later! " jeongin said as he waved bye to us.

" jaeyoung, i really want to be with you right now but my brother told me to have movie night with me and i promised him and-- "

i laughed at minhee. " this is not the first time, minhee so it's okay really. "

" thanks for understanding. i have to go now. " she said.

she gave me a hug before she left. and now, i was all alone. i didn't want to go home yet because i had no homework and i had nothing to do there so i decided to go to the pond near our school.

i dropped my bag on the ground and sat down beside it. i sighed as i looked around the pond. there were some girls hanging out, there were some teenage couples having some time while i'm here, all alone.

suddenly, someone tapped my shoulders. i immediately looked up and saw hyunjin with a bright and soft smile on his face. i couldn't help but smile back.

" what are you doing here alone? " he asked me as he sat down beside me.

" nothing. minhee had to leave early because of her brother and jeongin and jisung went looking for you and seungmin and so did the other guys. "

he looked down. " oh. "

" where have you been anway? "

" nowhere actually. "

" then why were the boys going bonkers looking for you? do you know where seungmin is? "

" why do you have to worry about him so much? " he asked me, obviously irritated.

" i'm s-sorry. " i said.

" no, i'm sorry. it's just-- " he gave a deep sigh. " seungmin likes you too, you know. "

" okay and so? "

" and i like you too. "

i actually felt my cheeks heat up, but i deny the fact and just acted chill.

" you guys don't have to fight over me actually. i mean, why me? there are other girls out there. "

" but none of them are like you. you are different. "

" you mean different as like weird and unusual? "

" no, i mean like unlike the other girls out there, you are kind and sweet and smart and talented. "

i just smiled at him. then suddenly, my phone vibrated. i had to open it, and it was a notification from jisung.

ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ

is hyunjin with you?

yeah, why?

just wanted to know

ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ

" who is it? " hyunjin asked me.

" oh, it's just jisung. " i answered.

then i remembered i actually had to do an individual project. i hurriedly stood up. i was about to pick up my bag when hyunjin grabbed my wrist.

i slowly looked up and my eyes instantly met his beautiful brown eyes.

" where are you going? " he asked me.

" i have to do my project. i just remembered right now. i'm so sorry, jinnie. i promise to spend time with you next time. " i said as i picked up my bag when he let go of my wrist.

he just nods and looks down. i gave him a hug before leaving. i actually felt bad for leaving him but i just had to. there's still a tomorrow anyway.

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