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it was already three. jisung had to pick up each of his friends on his own but seungmin was already with us. we stopped by his house before coming to ours.

" are you sure you know how do to this, seungmin? let's just leave the work to mom before something bad happens. " i said as tried to pull seungmin out of the kitchen.

" you don't trust me? "

" no, obviously. not now. "

" why? "

" hyunjin will be arriving earlier. i don't want the both of you to fight again. "

" you care about him more than you care about me? "

" i care about your friendship. that's all. "

" jaeyoung, just let seungmin help. " jisung said when he entered the kitchen.

then i heard some noises in the living room. i knew they were here already. but they went quiet all of a sudden. i assumed that my dad came.

i left the kicthen with seungmin and mom together making dinner. i went to the living room and saw the seven guys sitting in one couch, squeezing themselves.

" you guys can see that there are two more couches, you know? you don't have to squeeze yourselves in that one couch. " i said as i sat beside my father.

woojin, chan and minho stood up and sat on the other couch. hyunjin, jeongin, changbin and felix were still in the same couch.

jisung then came with a tray of glasses with orange juice and he sat beside minho. then i remembered that minhee hasn't arrived yet.

" oh my god. " i said under my breath as i stood up.

" what's the matter, jaeyoung? " dad asked.

" i forgot to pick minhee. " i said as i ran to the gate but then the doorbell rang.

i hurriedly opened the gate and saw minhee standing with a box of donuts. i took the donuts from her and grinned.

" i never expected you'd bring donuts. " i said.

" they're for jisung. " she said.

" he'll give me some anyway. " i said. " come in! "

minhee went in. she decided to sit on the other couch alone. i had to go the kitchen and put the donuts in the refrigerator.

" seungmin's great at cooking. " my mom said all of a sudden.

i looked at seungmin who was standing by the stove and probably stirring something. i looked at jisung who was holding a glass of water. he wiggled and smiled at me teasingly. i just rolled my eyes.

after putting the donuts in the refrigerator, i went back to the living room and sat beside minhee.

dad asked them some things and they answered them, of course. after a few minutes, about 30 minutes actually, mom called us to the dining room.

in the dining room, i still sat beside minhee. jisung was beside minhee though and she was blushing as red as a tomato.

" this tastes great! " dad said.

" seungmin made that. " mom said.

all of our eyes grew big in surprise. i looked at hyunjin, he was looking a bit annoyed and jealous since he just looked down and tried eating dinner normally.

seungmin was smiling widely. he seemed proud of what he's done.

" you must teach jisung how to make this. " dad said.

" i know how to make this dad. " jisung said.

" but seungmin's is just more tastier. " dad added.

dad ate another spoonful of what seungmin cooked and he smiled in satisfaction.

after eating, the guys went home. seungmin gave me a smile before he went inside the car. i felt hyunjin's fingers touch the palm of my hand when he passed by me.

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