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" mom, do you have a shopping list? " i asked her as i sat on the passenger seat beside the driver's seat.

" i have good memory, who needs lists? "

" you forgot to buy carrots last time when you planned to make carrot cake. "

" that was before. "

" mom. "

" fine. list these things down. " mom said.

she mentioned some vegetables and fruits and more stuff. i just used my phone's notes to write the stuff down.

" so, how's school? " mom asked all of a sudden.

" it's pretty great. "

" how's your grades? "

" they're not going down though. it's maintained. "

" is jisung doing great? "

" he's got more fame. "

" his grades is what i'm asking. "

" oh. i think he's doing okay. "

" what have you two been doing while we were away? "

" i spent a lot of time with minhee. jisung kept going out with his friends. "

" do you know how his friends act? "

" one of his friends and i are in the same class. his name is jeongin. he's very kind and sweet actually, not like jisung at all. "

" he's the only one you know? "

" there's this lee felix who's an australian and bang chan's half aussie too. i know this kim woojin, lee minho, seo changbin, hwang hyunjin and kim seungmin. "

" are they all in the same ages? "

" no. i'm still wondering how they became friends when they aren't in the same age. "

suddenly the car stopped. we were already at the mall, in the parking lot to be exact. i opened the door and got off the car. i waited for my mom before we both entered the mall.

" should we start with the veggies, mom? " i asked her when we entered the supermarket.

" okay, veggies first. " she said as she took a basket.

the both of us walked to the vegetable aisle. everything seemed okay until i saw someone.

lim eunji.

she stared at me with eyes full of mixed emotions, mostly the bad emotions. she formed her hands into fists. gladly my mom was a bit far away and didn't saw me and eunji.

" you bitch. " she said.

" what? "

" you didn't just took hyunjin from me but also seungmin. "

" i didn't took them from you. what are you talking about? "

" i heard that the both of them are fighting over you. "

" well i guess they're fighting for me but i'm not fighting for them so-- "

" i saw you were with hyunjin near the pond yesterday. "

" eunji, why is it such a big deal? i thought they weren't your boyfriends anymore. "

" i still love them, bit-- "

she was about to grab my hair when someone held her wrist. the both of us slowly looked up and saw seungmin.

" s-seungmin? " i said.

" seungmin! " eunji exclaimed.

" don't touch her, eunji. " seungmin told eunji as he let go of her wrist.

" but, seungmin, sh-- "

" just don't touch her. you're not allowed to. and even though you still love me, i don't love you. i never did. i never will. "

eunji's eyes started to get watery. she bit her lower lip and her fists started to shake. she glared at me and seungmin before she turned around and stomped away.

" jaeyoung? " i heard my mom said.

i immediately turned around and tried to act normal, like nothing happened.

" who is this? " she asked.

" this is k-kim s-seungmin, one of jisung's friends. " i answered.

seungmin bowed and smiled at my mom. " it's nice to meet you, mrs. han. "

my mom looked at seungmin from head to toe then smiled. " you don't seem like a bad guy. "

seungmin looked at me, confused. i just rolled my eyes at him.

" mom, we have to continue buying the groceries. " i said, taking the basket from my mom but she stopped me.

" i think seungmin would like to help us. " she said.

i looked at seungmin. he was smiling and he nodded. " sure, i'd love to. "

mom gave seungmin the basket and the three of us continued to put more and more stuff inside the basket.

my mom walked very ahead of us which made me and seungmin stay behind her.

" did jisung tell you? " i asked him.

" tell me what? "

" that you're having dinner in our place. "

" oh, he did. "

" why were you here in the first place? "

" oh, my sister is having her days and she asked me to buy her some of the stuff. "

" you sound like a caring brother. "

" i'll be a better boyfriend. " he said as he attempted to wrap his hands around my shoulder, but i quickly ran.

" nice try. " i said as i laughed.

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