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" you have to tell me where she is. " i told minhee as i grasped her arms and shook her a bit.

" i told you, i can't, seungmin. " she said as she tried to make me let go.

i was walking around the mall all by myself because i got bored then i bumped into minhee all of a sudden.

" is she with hyunjin? " i asked her, looking directly into her eyes.

she closed her eyes and lowered her head. " yes, she is. " she answered in a very low voice.

i let go of her and sighed. she opened her eyes and looked up at me.

" i-- "

" please eat with me. " i said, not even looking at her.

she was silent but she answered afterwards. " okay but only for now. "

the both of us walked silently and awkwardly to a fast food restaurant and ordered some food. we sat on a table on the corner. it lowkey made me comfortable.

" she liked you. " minhee said, breaking the silence.

" liked. liked is past tense. "

" that's what i'm saying. "

" she loves hyunjin. " i said.

i was about to cry when a tray of food was suddenly placed in front of us, making the both of us look up and glare at the waitress. she immediately apologized anyway.

" nobody knows yet. "

" it's easy to fall for hyunjin. "

" look, it's not just about looks and-- "

" are you saying i look ugly? "

" what?! no, i-- "

" just say that-- "

" let me continue, won't you? "

" okay, fine. "

" if she ever likes hyunjin back, there's nothing you can do, seungmin. once jaeyoung's feelings are set, it can't be redone. i know you've done your hardest to impress her but i looks like it hasn't caught her attention that much. "

" is there something else i can do? "

" seungmin, i'm sorry. "

suddenly, minhee's phone rang. she took it out of her pocket and stared at the screen before looking at me.

" h-hey, j-j-jaeyoung. " she stuttered.

" put it on speaker mode or else... " i said as i turned my hands into fists.

she gulped her saliva before placing the phone in the middle of the table and turned on the speaker mode.

" minhee! thank goodness you answered. i'm in this restaurant right now. hyunjin and i just went to the flower garden and took some photos. and guess what? h-he gave me a rose! i didn't want to have one actually but how i got it was a long story. where are you? " a voice said which was obviously jaeyoung.

" i-i'm in the m-mall right now. " minhee answered.

" you keep stuttering. why? "

" nothing. " minhee answered, trying her best not to stutter anymore.

i looked at minhee, well, more of a glare. she picked up the phone.

" i have to go now, jaeyoung. call you later. " she said as she dropped the call.

i stayed quiet as i ate.

" you heard that. " she said.

i still kept silent.

" just accept the fact, won't you."

i sighed and looked down.

" you're right. "

" w-what? "

" i'm so pathetic, aren't i? "

" s-seung-- "

" thanks for making me realize. "

i stood up and left minhee. i just brought the cola with me. i thought i needed time to chill.

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