prince hyunjin day!!♡

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" jisung, is the cake ready? " jaeyoung asked him as she looked at her checklist.

" yup. "

" banners? "

" done. "

" streamers? "

" check. "

" balloons? party popper? oh, and also cake candles? what about the flowers? "

" whoa, chill. everything's done already. "

" did you seriously made a checklist for this, jaeyoung? " minhee asked jaeyoung.

" duh. everything needs to be perfect for hyunjin's nineteenth birthday. " she said.

" felix said that hyunjin's well distracted. " jisung said.

" where are they again? "

" at the mall. "

at the mall, where felix, jeongin, minho and hyunjin were at, the three boys were trying their best to make hyunjin distracted.

hyunjin kept asking them why they acted weird and odd. he also asked them where jaeyoung was and they had to think of an answer.

" she's with jisung. " jeongin said.

" but isn't she supposed to be with me? "

" they aren't going to be gone for long. " felix added.

" if so, why didn't they let me come with them? "

" hyunjin, your laces. " minho said as he pointed at hyunjin's shoe.

hyunjin looked down and kneeled to tie his laces. but then he realized he didn't had any.

" are you guys okay? " hyunjin asked them for the nth time already. " you seem to act-- "

" we're totally fine! " felix said as he wiped the sweat rolling down his face.

" why are you sweating? the mall's air conditioned? "

" ah, i think i have to go. " felix said as he ran to the nearest comfort room he saw.

when he was inside the comfort room already, he immediately took out his phone and called jisung.

" jisung! hyunjin's asking too much questions! "

" umm okay so? "

" what do i do?! "

" answer them? "

" bro, he's asking us why we're odd today. "

" aren't you always? anyway, don't act too obvious. "

" but i-- "

" act normal or else i'll kiss changb-- "

" fuck you, not changbin. i will-- "

" i was kidding, bro! " jisung laughed. " minho's my one and only. just act normal, okay? "

" we'll try. "

" okay, now go to them and bring hyunjin here. " jisung said then he dropped the call.

felix took a few deep breaths, inhales and exhales before leaving the bathroom, acting as normal as he could.

" what took you so long? " hyunjin asked.

" oh, there were many people. i had to wait. "

" what time is it? "

" it's eleven but-- " minho got cut off.

" shouldn't we go to the house already? "

" umm, yeah, right. "

they walked out of the mall, went to the parking lot, got in the car then drove off. minho was driving since he was the eldest.

when they arrived at the han's house, the house was quiet. jaeyoung planned the surprise very well.

minho opened the door and entered first. he faked a cough, just to signal jaeyoung that they're coming to wherever they were.

jaeyoung told everyone to get ready. she stood in front of the door, holding the cake with a smile on her face. minhee and jisung were standing beside her. chan, woojin, changbin and seungmin were behind them.

" i wonder where they are. " hyunjin said as he looked around then saw the door.

he walked closer to the door, held them knob then twisted it open. his eyes widened in shock and surprise at what he saw.

" surprise! " all of them shouted loudly.

" happy happy birthday, hyunjin!! " jaeyoung said as she walked nearer to hyunjin.

" you guys did this? all of this? " he asked.

" yup, do you like it? " jaeyoung asked.

hyunjin's smile slowly faded and he shook his head. " i don't like it. "

jaeyoung's facial expression also changed. everyone else was shocked too.

" i love it of course. " hyunjin immediately said after the deafening silence.

" i knew you'd say that. " jaeyoung said.

everyone took their seats and sang happy birthday to hyunjin as jaeyoung lighted up the candles.

" happy birthday, bro. " seungmin said as he hugged him.

" thanks, bro. " hyunjin said as he hugged him back.

everyone started to eat. in the end, there was literally no food left. maybe because jisung's plate was full, or maybe because they had a small food fight.

at night, hyunjin decided to spend his time with jaeyoung alone. not because he wanted to do something with her but because he missed her cuddles.

" i can't believe you're already nineteen. you're so old already. " jaeyoung teased hyunjin.

" hey, i'm eighteen internationally. "

" just admit that you're old. "

hyunjin began tickling jaeyoung. jaeyoung tried her best to push hyunjin away but she can't. when she was almost out of breath, hyunjin stopped.

" do you want me to die?! " jaeyoung said as she fell of the bed.

" umm no? "

" help me. "

hyunjin looked at jaeyoung who was on the floor, curled up in a ball. he jumped off the bed and walked to jaeyoung. he lifted her up and dropped her on the bed.

" don't! " jaeyoung yelled.

" i'm not gonna? "

jaeyoung stayed silent.

" jaeyoung! oh my god! a very dirty-minded girl you are! "

" hyunjin-ah! i'm not! "

hyunjin and jaeyoung chased each other around the room until jaeyoung tripped over her own stuffed animal.

" are you okay? " hyunjin asked. their faces were literally inches away from each other.

hyunjin smirked then he closed his eyes and slammed his lips on jaeyoung's. she was shocked at first but decided to kiss him back.

" ew. " jaeyoung said as she laughed and pushed hyujin away.

" that isn't what you're supposed to say. " hyunjin pouted.

jaeyoung smiled at him. " i love you so much really. "

" i love you too. "


wth i can't believe hyunjin's 19 (korean age)
why are we four years apart :(
anyways, hbd hyunjinnie
tbh guys ilhsm with all my heart that i'd kill to touch his lips lmfao they're so thick and omfg i want lips like his bc mine are thin
i made an edit that's very ew and you guys can watch it on my twt acc, i pinned it there :)
bye gtg prepare my coffin

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