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hyunjin and i walked to the said restaurant, and there are two reasons why. one is because the restaurant is just near and two is because jisung took the car keys.

hyunjin and i walked together silently. the silence was quite awkward since i have never hanged out or went somewhere with hyunjin.

" so, umm, can i asked a question? " i said to break the awkward silence.

" w-what is it? " hyunjin said as he looked at me.

" how come the nine of you are close? i mean, not all of you go to the same classes and you're not in the same age. "

" just because we aren't the same age doesn't mean we can't be a squad, right? " he said as he chuckled.

i just giggled, not knowing what to say actually. the two of us continued to walked side by side. and soon, we arrived at the said restaurant.

" ladies first. " hyunjin as he opened the door and smiled at me.

i smiled back as i bowed and walked in. my nose immediately caught the delicious smell of whatever was cooking in the restaurant's kitchen.

hyunjin held my wrist as he led me to a table. the table had a sign placed above saying 'reserved'. then we stopped walking.

" but this is reserved. " i said.

" i reserved this table. " he answered.

" h-how? "

" my aunt owns this restaurant. " he told me as he opened the chair for me to sit.

after i sat down, he sat in front of me and called a waiter. a waiter then came carrying two menus.

" good afternoon, mr. hwang. what can i get for the both of you today? " the waiter said.

wow, his aunt must really own this restaurant.

i was busy looking around the restaurant that i didn't know what hyunjin ordered. but whatever it was, i'm sure it's delicious.

my eyes couldn't stop looking around. then suddenly, i caught these two employees who kept looking at out table and whispering at each other.

" jaeyoung, is everything okay? " hyunjin asked me.

i smiled and nodded. " yeah, don't worry. "

" are you feeling comfortable? "

" yes actually. the food smelled good. it made my tummy rumble. " i said and laughed.

he giggled. " by the way, what does it feel like being jisung's sibling? you two sound like you don't along all the time. "

" we get along most of the time. but being his sister is like being his maid. he makes me clean his room, he makes me wash his own clothes and he even tells me to cook. i don't get anything in return at all. "

the both of us laughed. " wow, jisung acts the same with us. he couldn't stop taking food out of the fridge and he's very loud, especially in our room. "

" i'm sorry if i'm changing the subject but who is eunji to you? " i asked.

and that simple task made me anxious, very anxious. maybe this could make him uncomfortable and i didn't know what to do.

i just bit my lower lip and looked down.

" i'm so-- "

" n-no, it's okay. it's just-- "

i looked at up him.

" she's just my ex-girlfriend. " he answers shyly. " but it wasn't me who asked her. she asked me and i couldn't say no. not because of her looks but because she may spread rumors about me, like what she did with seungmin. "

" oh. " i said as i slowly nodded.

then suddenly, two bowls were placed in front of us. hyunjin and i thanked the waiter before he left.

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