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" what have you two been doing while we were away? " my mom asked us.

" you had the house all to yourselves. " my dad added.

jisung was making waffles and i was cooking eggs. we told mom and dad to just sit down and relax and we'll do all the work.

" jisung kept bringing his friends over. " i said.

" at least they weren't doing anything bad. " jisung said.

i almost choked my own saliva and snorted. i had to let out a laugh.

" nothing bad indeed. " i said as i transferred the eggs from the pan to the plate.

" jisung, when can we meet your friends? " my dad asked.

i looked at jisung. he glared at me.

" today's a saturday, dad. his friends are always free on saturdays. " i said.

" they aren't. they're, umm, doing projects. " he said, trying to find a way to make dad change his mind.

" then we'll go to them. " my mom said.

" b-but mom! " jisung said as he turned around and looked at my parents.

" let them visit here then. if you can make them come here when we weren't around, then you can make them come here too when we're around. " dad said.

jisung just nodded and looked down.

i sat down in my chair and we waited for jisung to finish making the pancakes. after about three minutes, he was finally finished. then all of us began to eat.

" i bet jaeyoung won't be comfortable with my friends around. she's never comfortable when they're around. " jisung said all of a sudden.

" what do you mean? " mom asked, she literally stopped eating.

" jisung, what are you saying? " i asked him, a bit irritated.

" remember when you and hyunjin almost ki-- "

" it was an accident, jisung. you and your gang created a mess and i had to clean it and i just-- "

" just admit that you like hyunjin. "

" i don't! "

" oh so you like seungmin? "

" jisung, what the-- "

" both of you, shut your tongue. " dad said, making me and jisung stop talking.

i glared at jisung. he was literally the most annoying person on earth. i'd rather live with someone who randomly says dad jokes than with him.

" now, jaeyoung, did you kiss with this hyunjin? " my dad asked.

i sarcastically chuckled. " of course not. "

" and jisung, make sure you clean your mess next time. your friends will he coming this afternoon, around 3 pm. " dad added.

suddenly, i heard my phone ring from the living room. i looked at my mom and dad before rushing to the living room.

i lifted my phone and looked at the screen. minhee was calling. i immediately answered the phone.

" minhee? "

" jaeyoung! "

" what is it? "

" are you free this afternoon? "

" umm, yeah. why? "

" we should go-- "

" shopping again? "

" you know me too well. "

" actually, i don't know. my parents arrived earlier this morning and they just told jisung to let them come over. "

" them? them as in them hyunjin and seungmin and the rest? "

" yeah but it's jisung's friends so i guess i could go to the mall with you. i feel like eating ice cream later anyway. "

" okay. call me later, okay? "

" yeah, i will. bye, i still gotta eat breakfast. "

i dropped the call and went back to the dining room. i continued to eat my foon hurriedly.

" jaeyoung, you and your mom will go and buy groceries later, okay? jisung's friends will eat dinner here. " dad told me.

" yeah and i guess i have to include beer and wine? " i said, chuckling as i looked at jisung.

" you drink beer and wine?! " mom asked jisung, more of a yell.

" only if you saw how drunk he was and how he smelled of beer for like a week straight. " i added.

" i don't! " jisung yelled.

" han jisung, you better make you friends come over. maybe they're bad influence. " mom said.

" come on! what about that minhee who's so close to jaeyoung? " jisung said.

" oh. yeah. make that minhee eat dinner with us too, jaeyoung. " dad said.

" dad, i think minhee is kinda busy today. "

" then why did she call you? " jisung asked.

" she was asking me something about homework. "

" maybe about which shirt is better? "

" jisung, will you please stop? "

" it's just a few hours of chill and talk. minhee won't mind. " dad said. " now go and take a shower, jaeyoung. you and your mom still have some groceries to buy. "

i nodded as i stood up and walked to my room while thinking about what this day will turn out to be.

i took my phone in the living room before going to my room though.



mom and dad wants you over for dinner too

please don't tell me that jisung is there

of course he is here
he's my brother
where's he supposed to stay?
zoo? adoption center? where the squirrel stays?


don't make it too obvious
my parents will know
they're too good at finding out stuff

what should i wear?

just wear a white shirt and black pants or leggings
and please bring donuts

jisung loves donuts?

i love donuts
just bring some

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