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okay wait a sec

/gets water bottle/

/drinks water/


lmao no just kidding okay what now

okay so among my three fanfics, this is the first one that reached more than a thousand reads /cries/ i never expected it really because so far none of my friends liked it lmao i mean who would like it? it's just so cringy

and THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH to everyone who supported me :') you guys are the best

did i have some grammatical errors or typos in some chapters? kindly tell me ♡

and okay so spoiler I AM writing another fanfic right now. it's still a Stray Kids memeber and i think i told you guys once but yeah you guys didn't care HAHA lmao

and i literally asked myself, 'why the hell did you named this book Snapchat when like half of the story is not on Snapchat'? and idk if some of you guys asked this too lmao but i named it Snapchat since they started talking in Snapchat and they used the app as communication (aside from calling) instead of the usual messaging app

snapchat is ugli now eniwae

i just can't wait for them to debut omg

btw i'm probably publishing my imagines books next month becAuse finAlly, the crappy wifi will be officially back next month thank goodness and you guys will he served with your daily dose of cringe from your one and only lame author-nim (this is what some readers called me idk lmao)

anyways, i shall stop here


im out (yo gatsebeun)

snapchat - hwang hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now