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Third Person (Woah, it's a miracle.) :)

Chanyeol scans though the live chat, not really interested in the same compliments that kept appearing over and over again. "Well," He mused out loud, "if you guys don't have anymore questions, I guess I'll end this here." This instantly sends the comments into a frenzy, the bulk of them not wanting the stream to end, and the occasional 'Bye!'.

Chanyeol runs a hand through his fiery red hair, holds up a peace sign, and stops the stream. Well, that was a doozy. He had been doing live Q and As for a while now, and it seemed to be effective in raising his popularity. He taps the screen of his iPhone X a few times, bring him back to his Instagram profile. He smiled in satisfaction when he's sees that his follower count went up by a few hundred. He clicks on his latest post, a selfie of him dressed in a comfortable sweater and holding a cup of coffee. The male scrolled through the comments, replying to a few here and there. He mentally pats himself on the back at the evidence of his ever growing popularity and shuts his phone off, tossing it into his bag without a care. The case is there for a reason.

The bell rings overhead, and Chanyeol looks up half heartedly. He slowly straightens up from the column he was leaning against, leisurely strolling to class. I'm already late, what's the point? He throws the classroom door open and walks in. The teacher shoots him a disapproving look but Chanyeol merely ignores it. He got responses like this all the time, he barely even noticed anymore. The teachers were scared to do anything more to him, and he knew it. I'm the Park Chanyeol. No one can compare to me anyways. He sits down with a grunt, tossing his bag to the side.

"Mr. Park, get to work please." The teacher sighs, exasperated.

Chanyeol rolls his eyes, but takes out his English textbook. I don't feel like arguing with her today.

"Alright class," the teacher claps her hands twice in an attempt to rally her pupils, "you will be starting on a project that involves partners." Instantly, the students looked left and right, already looking for someone. The teacher snaps her fingers, trying to restore some order. "I will allow you to pick who you want to work with." The class cheers, and some even started to get out of their seats. "Sit back down!" The teacher yells, "you don't even know what the project is!"

At this, Chanyeol zones out, opting to examine his fingernails rather than pay attention. It's only when he hears the scramble of students that he looks back up.

And he finds a whole bunch of students, probably more than half the class, had gathered around his desk. Chanyeol heaves a sigh and stands up, already knowing who he wanted to partner up with. "Kim Jongin! Get over here!" As his best friend hurries over from the pencil sharpener on the other side of the the room, Chanyeol can't help but notice that one person was still in his seat, neither partnered up or looking for one.

Byun Baekhyun.

Chanyeol shakes his head disbelievingly. Does he not notice me? Before he can do anything, Jongin is already at his side, pulling him to a quiet corner of the classroom. The mob of students quickly disperses, noticing that their prime target was already taken, and began to sort themselves out.

Chanyeol watches as a owl-eyed boy slowly made his way over Baekhyun, quietly exchanging a few words with him, then sitting down.

He feels Jongin nudge him. "He's cute, isn't he?"

"Who?" Chanyeol wrinkles a brow at the sun-kissed male, "Baekhyun?" He already disliked the boy. Actually, he disliked anyone who didn't pay attention to him.

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