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Happy early birthday, Princessaurora2004 ! ILY! <3

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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear JongSoo! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone cheers as the two birthday boys blow out the candles on their cake. The cake that Minseok made and Baekhyun iced.

The entire basketball team and Baekhyun had come to celebrate Kyungsoo's and Jongin's birthdays.

"Congrats, you two! You've officially traveled around a giant fireball on a rock seventeen times now!" Jongdae hoots from his perch, a precarious wooden chair.

"I have. Jongin still has twenty four hours to go," Kyungsoo points out. "And for heaven's sake, get off the chair before you hurt yourself. Minseok, control your boyfriend!"

"Eh, close enough." Jongdae shrugs as he leaps off the chair and into Minseok's arms. Minseok grunts from the impact, setting Jongdae on the ground and hugging him.

"Presents!" Sehun grins, uncovering the blanket that was covering a mountain of wrapped boxes. He digs through them, pulling out Kyungsoo's present for Jongin, a relatively big box, and Jongin's present for Kyungsoo. It was a tiny box, one that easily fit into the blond's palm. "Jongin, I sincerely hope that you don't plan on proposing today," Sehun attempts to say with a stern face.

"What's with this?" Chanyeol interjects from the couch, Baekhyun in his arms. "Baek was teasing me about marriage before I properly asked him out. He still does."

"Shut up, you dumb elf." Baekhyun swats his boyfriend's arm playfully. "Me wearing your basketball sweatshirt doesn't count."

"It does when you wear it more than I do!" Chanyeol tugs on the article of clothing.

"Half the time, you offer it to me!"

"Only half the time!"

The two of them continue to bicker as Sehun sets the two gifts aside. "These last." He pauses dramatically. "Now, let the present opening begin!"

Half an hour later, wrapping paper and various lengths of ribbon are strewn around the living room, and two piles of gifts are in front of the birthday boys. There's even a deflated ballon in the corner and a few torn up streamers, courtesy of Jongdae and Jongin's dog, respectively.

"Now for the presents you have for each other!" Sehun announces excitedly, holding up the two presents that were conspicuously different in size. "Who's first?"

"Not me." Jongin answers from on the carpeted floor, decorations and gifts littered around him. He puts a party horn to his mouth and blows. The thing lets out a tired whine and Jongin lets it drop from his lips onto the floor.

"Okay!" Sehun replies cheerfully, setting down the small box. He hands the remaining one to Kyungsoo, who hands it to Jongin. Jongin opens it carefully as Baekhyun gnaws on his nails nervously. Will Jongin like it? Did I do a good job?

"I'm sure he'll love it, baby. Don't worry." Chanyeol soothes.

"Wow! Baekhyun, did you do this one as well?" Jongin marvels. He compares it to the other painting that lied beside him. It was one of all twelve of them together. One that Baekhyun had started working on as soon as the news that the two of them would be having a joint party reached his ears. He had made two, one for each of them. Chanyeol had been surprised, to say the least. He was amazed to see that Baekhyun had been able to do it all without him noticing.

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