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Baekhyun shakes his head for the nth time that morning, groaning at his paint covered hands. Why!? I knew there was a reason that I never painted sunsets! He sits still, listening to the sound of the rain pounding against his window.

The brunet was currently struggling with his entry for a contest. The contest that he conveniently forgot about until two days ago. Why do I do these things to myself!?

Despite Baekhyun's best efforts, he cannot get the paints to blend properly. I really need more practice with watercolor. The brunet clicks his tongue. I still have a few more days. He sighs. Who am I kidding. I'm going to need way more than a couple days.

His alarm pulls him out of his dreary thoughts. Time to start cleaning up. The brunet grudgingly stands up and sets his wrecked painting aside and begins to clean up his workstation. After putting the paint up and dumping out the brown water, the brunet removes the old newspaper covering the table and wipes it down. He scrubs his hands throughly in his sink, then removes the oversized shirt he uses for a smock and hangs it up. Grabbing the painting, Baekhyun swings his bag onto one shoulder, grabs an umbrella, and runs out of his bedroom and out of his house. I could care less about my dreadful creation right now. Or ever.

He gets to his school a lot earlier than he thought he would, having caught the bus prior to his usual. Oh come on! This day just keeps getting better and better. He shivers when a gust of wind blows past, jerking at his umbrella and making him stumble. Rainwater hits his hair and he sneezes.

He spots Chanyeol a few meters away, sitting on a bench, shivering and looking very cold. The brunet catches the giant's eye quickly before looking away again. Involuntary, his feet begin to make their way over to the giant, managing to avoid most of the puddles that had formed on the ground. Yep. It's been a great day.

The giant blinks rapidly, wrapping his coat closer to him, attempting to shield his body from the piercing wind. Why did I forget an umbrella today!? Suddenly, he's no longer being pummeled with raindrops. Huh? Did the rain stop?

"What are you doing, you goof?" Baekhyun's melodious voice fills his ears. Chanyeol looks up and sees a red plastic canopy draped over his head. Baekhyun's umbrella.

"What about you?"

"This." Baekhyun holds up the painting. "It's my entry for the annual art competition." That was a mistake.

Already annoyed, Chanyeol didn't want to be reminded of what he kind of despised at the moment. Without a second thought, he grabs the painting and tosses it to the ground. The canvas lands in a relatively clean puddle, color-side up, and four eyes watch as the colors slowly seep together in a fuzzy haze. Baekhyun blinks calmly. Well, that's my decision made.

Chanyeol's expression screams of mockery. "Oops, sorry 'bout that. Such a shame that it's drenched." He just wanted to make the brunet mad, to reflect the inner turmoil that he was clouded with. Guilt pushed at his conscious, but he shoved it away.

Baekhyun shakes his head. "It's okay. It'll be like it's underwater. What's a little water to a watercolor painting?" He grins teasingly. Well, that's one way to mix colors together.

The giant's expression twists into one of confusion and anger. "Aren't you supposed to be mad? Be mad! I just ruined your chance in the art competition! The entry deadline is in two days! You can't possibly finish. Be mad! Yell! Scream! Get angry! It's okay! I deserve it!" His eyes are wild as he pushes Baekhyun backwards. The brunet stumble and jerks the umbrella back in the process, letting the unrelenting raindrops fall onto Chanyeol's soaked hair. The brunet quickly regains his footing, and hastily covers Chanyeol again. He sneezes and rubs his eyes.

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