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One full chapter of fluffy goodness! :D

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"Are you doing your project on art?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Ah. I assumed as much." Chanyeol looks past the brunet, smiling softly. "How's your project going?"

"Your portrait?"

"Yeah, that."

"Okay... I'm having trouble with your lips." Baekhyun reaches forwards and touches the giant's bottom lip with his thumb.

Chanyeol's lips curl up underneath Baekhyun's finger. "Will this help?" He leans forward and catches the brunet's lips in a sweet liplock.

Baekhyun smiles into the exchange and allows Chanyeol to pull them closer together. "I don't think so," he murmurs when they separate. "But I wouldn't mind another kiss."

Chanyeol chuckles and pushes the brunet's hair out of his eyes. "You're so..." he pecks the brunet's forehead, unable to come up with an adjective.

"I'm so what?"

"You're such a smooth talker."

Baekhyun laughs merrily. "What am I supposed to say to that?" He thinks for a second. "Oh, the irony."

The giant grins. "You're supposed to accept it and let me shower you in kisses."

And the brunet sits there and does just that.


"Is this good?" Baekhyun spins around to face the giant, watching as Chanyeol quickly finished typing and lifts his gaze from his phone screen.

"What is it?"

"My research project."

"I'm sure it's great." Chanyeol smiles. "Don't stress too much."

"Easy for you to say!" Baekhyun whines. "You're a natural genius!"

"So I have good judgement. You'll be fine. Now," he pats the space besides him, "Come here." I want you beside me.

Baekhyun stands up and lazily makes his way over to the giant, falling into his hold as soon as he could. Chanyeol grunts a bit as the sudden weight was added, "No one told you to fall on me."

"I did," Baekhyun mumbles, half asleep as the after effects of a day of working on a project begin to set in. "And I'm tired."

"I know you are." Chanyeol kisses Baekhyun's crown gently. "Sleep."

"I still have to go home, Yeol."

"Just stay."


"Just stay for the night. Please. You're dead exhausted and we don't have school tomorrow. Plus, I'll miss you too much if you go now."

"I don't know," Baekhyun murmurs, on the verge of dreamland, "My parents'll be expecting me home soon."

"Text them."

"I don't want to. I'm too tired." Baekhyun closes his eyes, Chanyeol's soft voice and comforting heartbeat slowly tugging on his consciousness.

"I'll text them. Give me your phone." Chanyeol reaches into Baekhyun's jacket pocket and pulls out his tiny phone. "Here. Password."

"Hm? Oh." Baekhyun opens one eye and fumbles with his lock screen. "Here."

Chanyeol takes the small phone, opens the green app, and quickly keys in a text on behalf of the now softly snoring brunet.

His parents are fine with the impromptu arrangements so the giant gently shakes the brunet awake again. "You can stay."

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