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No update for SYA, sorry. Life's been hectic. I'll try to make it up tomorrow, if I can. :l

Think positive! <3

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Think positive! <3

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As soon as the pair steps inside the building, Baekhyun stops. "Drat. I left my stuff out there."

Chanyeol allows a genuine smile to adorn his face. "We'll worry about it later. You'll be okay." He runs a hand through the brunet's wet hair.

Baekhyun leads the giant to his favorite spot in the school—the art room. As soon as the two sit down, they both open their mouths. "Look." "I'm sorry."

"You go first," the two of them simultaneously say.

"Chanyeol." "Baekhyun."


"You go first!"

"No, it's okay, you go."

"You go, it's fine."

"No, I insist."

"Fine, I'll go!" The two yell with big—and kind of stupid—grins. Chanyeol falls back in his chair with laughter as Baekhyun starts poking his ribs. "Yah! Stop that!"

"How about no?" Baekhyun smiles cheekily as his prods the giant's stomach. "Who knew that you were ticklish?" He pauses. "So who's speaking first?"

"I will, if you stop poking me!" Chanyeol's voice jumps up an octave when Baekhyun's delicate fingers find their way to his neck.

"Okay, okay." Baekhyun takes his hands away.

"Look, I'm really sorry-"

"I'm going to tell you now to stop apologizing. I get it, and I really don't care about the watercolor. It was a lost cause to begin with."

"Are you going to let me speak?" Chanyeol rubs his nape.

"Sorry, sorry."

"Anyways, l don't really know what's been wrong with me. Actually, scratch that, I do know. I let my jealousy get to me." He pulls out his phone. "I kinda want to chuck this at the wall now."

"Don't," the brunet laughs, reaching out a hand to grab Chanyeol's arm. "That thing costs a lot."

"You think?" The giant turns the device over in his hand and stuffs it back into his pocket. "Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. You?"

"Oh look at us, having a civil conversation for once," Baekhyun jokes.

"What do you mean? We have had decent conversations before."

"I'm sure we have." Baekhyun deadpans, half joking.

"Anyways. You..." The giant prompts.

"Right, I... oh please don't hate me for saying this," the brunet mutters.

Look At Me! (ChanBaek)Where stories live. Discover now