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Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! <3

Today, I'm officially a teen! :D

<3 <3 <3

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"Oh my goodness! I still can't believe I'm friends with my idol! Don't mind my fanboying." Kyungsoo rambles on as he walks with Baekhyun into the cafeteria. "Please tell me I'm not dreaming."

"You aren't. I can promise you that."

"I want to go and walk around to school, just to look at your art."

"We can go if you want. We'll just eat along the way. I'll even give you some backstory." The brunet replies, half-joking.


The pair grabs a ham sandwich, a bottle of of apple juice, and a bag of chips each. They pay, then exit the cafeteria just as it was beginning to fill up.

The two of them camp out by the front, underneath the mural. "So what's the story behind this one?"

"The principal asked me to spice up the school." Baekhyun replies simply. He takes a bite out of his sandwich.

"And that?" Kyungsoo points to the principal's picture.

"That was a while ago. I wasn't very good with people at the time, so I posted a half done version on Instagram to see the responses. Believe it or not, some people actually said it looked like their principal, and I recognized them as students here."



"If you don't mind me asking, why did you reveal yourself this morning? Was it a personal choice?" The owl-eyed boy rips open his chips.

Baekhyun shakes his head. "Sorta. Chanyeol kind of pushed me over the edge. I got mad."

"Oh, what hasn't that jerk done?" Kyungsoo rolls his eyes. "So tell me how you started art."

Baekhyun launches into a lengthy explanation, and Kyungsoo listens attentively, still stuffing his face with food. Baekhyun quickly alternates between quick bites of sandwich and chips as he talks, being mindful not to eat to much at once.

"Yeah, so that's pretty much it. My life in a nutshell." Baekhyun stretches and stands up, gathering his trash. "Come on, I'll show you my sketchbook. I just need to get it from my locker." The two walk into the cafeteria and toss out their garbage.

"Let me run to the bathroom really quick."

"Sure. Just meet me at my locker." The two boys part ways.

Baekhyun skips to his locker quiet happily, until he sees Chanyeol leaning against the pillar right next to his destination, live-streaming. Oh goodie.

"What are you doing?" The brunet asks the question, even though he already knew the answer.

Chanyeol glares at the shorter boy before turning back to his phone.

"Park Chanyeol. Answer my question." The brunet walks up to the giant.

"Buzz off." The red head puts a hand over his phone's microphone as he responds.

"Yah! Why are you being so cold? What happen to the Chanyeol I met on the bus this morning?"

"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to," the giant mutters, head bowed.

"Just tell me, and I leave you alone."

"Why? What's the point? You know what the answer is."

"But I want to hear you say it."

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