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"See, you didn't need the extra points after all." Baekhyun walks out of the gym with Chanyeol beside him.

Chanyeol only smiles and pecks the brunet on the cheek. There's the sound of a shutter and Baekhyun looks up. "Huh?"

"I'm posting this. It's too cute." Chanyeol happily fiddles with his phone, uploading the photo with the caption 'We won the game. Baekhyun was keeping score.' He tags all of the members of the basketball team and his boyfriend.

"Yah! Chanyeol!" Baekhyun clings onto the giant, watching his screen.

Chanyeol laughs and messes up the brunet's hair. "It's a good photo."

"Fine." Baekhyun pulls out his own phone, likes the post, and comments:

'It was fun, you dumb elf! <3'

"Dumb elf. Really?"


"Am I really dumb?"

"No. The name just kind of stuck." Baekhyun stares at his phone, the corner of his lips curving up. "Oh look, some of them want me to paint the photo."

"Will you?"

"Of course!" He narrows his eyes. "Just don't mess with my paints anymore."

Chanyeol bites his lip, guilt flooding him, like it did every time Baekhyun brought up the paint issue. "..."

"I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I promise that I was never really mad."

Chanyeol's face remains static. "If you say so."

During the trip home, Chanyeol seems distant. He doesn't notice the silent tear that rolls down his cheek, but Baekhyun does.



"You're crying."

"I know." But the giant makes no attempt to remove the moisture. "Come on, we're here." Chanyeol opens the car door and steps out, not even sparing a glance at the brunet.

Baekhyun presses his lips together and follows, grabbing Chanyeol's bag, which he forgot to take.

Baekhyun follows the giant up the stairs and into his bedroom, struggling a little due to the two heavy bags that he towed on his back. "Chanyeol... what's wrong?" he tries again. The brunet lets the two bags fall from his shoulders and onto the floor.

The giant lays on the bed. "You have no idea how guilty I feel. I'd take back what I did, if I could."

"And you think I don't? I just made you cry." Baekhyun leans over and wipes the lone tear away.

"I'm sorry Baek."

"You've told me that a million times. I forgave you the first time." Baekhyun presses firm kisses to Chanyeol's face, his lips slightly parted. "No more apologizing."

"Okay." Chanyeol wraps his arms around Baekhyun and kisses him back whole heartedly, his lips finding their way to the brunet's neck and chin. The giant can feel Baekhyun dig his nails in slightly into his back. The brunet tilts his head back, loving the feeling of Chanyeol's lips on his skin.

"What's on our list to do today?" Chanyeol pulls away and looks at Baekhyun.

"Nothing that I have the energy to do right now," the brunet jokes, "Let's just live-stream and have the viewers give suggestions. At least that way, I can be lazy."

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