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Left out.

It was possibly the worst feeling in the world for the giant, who was used to being in the loop.

The basketball team consisted of ten members, so each person usually had a buddy.

But now, with Jongin's sight set on Kyungsoo, Chanyeol was left alone.

Sure, he had admirers. Plenty, in fact. Girls and boys alike flocked to him in school, and his follower count on Instagram continued to rise at a steady pace.

But there was something about those interactions seeming cold.

There was no warmth, no spark. Chanyeol found that he wasn't as satisfied as before.

But because he had a reputation to keep, the giant continued to act like seeing those things made him ecstatic. It would be too much to try to explain.


Baekhyun shakes his head at his painting. He was currently in his room, working on his latest project. He turns his head to his phone.

The brunet had decided to try out the livestream feature. He had propped the device up on his nightstand, fixing the height issue with a few small cardboard boxes.

"What do you guys think?" The brunet absentmindedly asks, even though he knew the responses wouldn't be very helpful.

He scratches his head. "Maybe I should take a break." He takes his phone off of his nightstand and plops down on his bed, mindful to keep his face on the screen. "Ask me some questions. We'll do a impromptu Q and A. I really don't know what else to do."

The comments section floods in with questions, since the brunet was still pretty vague about himself.

"How long have I been drawing?" Baekhyun chuckles. "For as long as I can remember."

"How's my handwriting?" The brunet shakes his head. "Horrible. I mean, it's legible, but it's still pretty bad. It's more of a scrawl than anything else."

'How old are you?'

"I'm seventeen." Baekhyun pokes his own cheek. "Do I look my age?"

Baekhyun laughs cheerfully at the comments, all of them disagreeing. "I get that a lot."

'Can you drive?'

"No, I can't drive."

He laughs at a few jokes in comments.

'Can you do tutorials?'

"Ah, maybe." The brunet had been thinking about doing so for a while, but never seemed to be able to.

'Do tutorials on YouTube!'

"Oh man, I don't think I'd be very good at editing clips of videos." Baekhyun scratches his nape nervously.

A while later, the brunet decides to return to his work. He sets his phone back up and continues to paint.

He decides to stop live-streaming after he finished the calico print of Chanyeol's glasses. "Well, I guess I'll stop here. I'm sure all of you were getting a little bored anyways." He smiles at the camera and give a little wave. "Bye!"

Look At Me! (ChanBaek)Where stories live. Discover now