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Double update! As promised! :D

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"So... paint." Baekhyun muses to himself as he ransacks his supplies. Dang it. I'm out of red.

He sneaks a glance at the cabinet in the art room that he knew held paint. She did say I could take what I needed, provided that it wasn't a huge amount.

The brunet walks over and swings open the cabinet doors. Great! He lugs out the push dispenser of red paint and puts it on the counter. He grabs his paint tray and pumps a bit of the color into the first indent. Baekhyun goes back to his own supplies and puts the other two primary colors onto the tray, along with a glob of black and some white. This should be good. He gets some water from the tap and sets everything on a desk.

The brunet sits down in front of his canvas, almost giddy with anticipation. I've forgotten how much I've miss painting. He steadies his hand and picks up a thin brush, dips it in black paint, then begins to go over Chanyeol's tee. I'll just do the shirt today. He shakes his head. This is going to be a doozy.

Baekhyun carefully fills in the shadows of the shirt first, mixing in the faintest hints of dark blue. He adds in the highlights with a warm dark gray next, then blends them slightly to smooth out the rough edges.

The outline of the lettering comes next, and Baekhyun accents them with a light porcelain blue. He sighs in frustration when he steps back to looks at his work, spotting the unrealistic folding of the lettering. He goes back in and adds a bit of pencil graphite gray to the shadows. A little bit of blending later and the brunet nods in approval. Better.


Chanyeol dashes down the court, eyes trained on his teammate with the ball. "Pass!" The orange ball comes hurling in his direction. He catches the basketball and swings it up towards the net, letting momentum carry him forwards. The ball rebounds off the backboard and drops through the net without interference.

"Nice shot!" Sehun, the player who passed the giant the ball, gives him a high five.

"Good going!" Jongin runs over and pats his best friend on the back. "Get a drink real quick."

Chanyeol jogs over to the sidelines and grabs his water bottle, taking a swig of the cold fluid. He turns around and runs back. The whistle sounds, but before he do anything, the ball is already flying towards his team's net, hitting the inside of the rim and deflecting out.

Sehun, the team's best rebounder, nabs the ball, turns around, and sprints down the court, tossing the basketball to Luhan halfway through. The doe-eyed point guard dribbles to the three point arc before being stopped by Yifan. Luhan easily sidesteps the center and dashes to the goal. Just before he's about to take off for a layup, the boy is knocked to the ground by Jongdae. The ball slips out of his hand and rolls out of bounds.

Tweet! Coach blows his whistle as Sehun helps the point guard, who was also his boyfriend, up. "Everyone okay?"

Jongdae walks over to his teammate and rubs the point guard's shoulder. "Sorry about that. I got a bit carried away."

Luhan holds up a thumbs up. "I'm good." He turns around. "Free throws?"

Their coach hold up two fingers. "Two."

Luhan jogs to the free throw line. Sehun and Jongin join him in their positions. Zitao and the giant step out of the arc as Yifan, Jongdae, Yixing, and Minseok step in. Junmyeon stays out.

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