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This is another 4 days in 11 chapters type thing... -_-;

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"Mmph, Yeol." Baekhyun wakes up the next morning with his face pressed into the giant's chest. He grunts softly as he pulls himself up to be level with the giant. "Yeol." His breath moves Chanyeol's hair, makes the giant's eyelashes flutter, and forces him awake with a snort.

"Wha-?" Chanyeol's words get stuck in his throat when Baekhyun pecks his forehead. "Oh hey," he murmurs, "Good morning," he pauses, "it is still morning, correct?"

"Yeah, it is." Baekhyun seems slightly disappointed that he doesn't get any affection in return, but the feeling quickly dissolves when Chanyeol pulls the brunet impossibly closer and gazes at him with a newfound tenderness.

"Did you go and freshen up while I was sleeping or something?" Chanyeol teases, "You don't look like you just woke up."

"Shush." Baekhyun pushes the giant's chest in a soft manner. "I don't take praise well."

"How can you not? You get praised twenty-four seven for your art!"

"That's different. That's skill, that's something that I worked on for hours upon hours. Beauty, is not. It feels undeserving."

"Did you just basically say that you're beautiful without effort?"

"I didn't mean for it to come out that way." Baekhyun buries his head into the crook of the giant's neck, slightly flustered.

"It's okay. I don't disagree."

"Shut up." The brunet's voice is muffled by the (sweet-smelling) skin of Chanyeol's shoulder. It's only then that Baekhyun realizes that Chanyeol's shirtless.

Not that it's a huge deal or anything, the brunet had already seen Chanyeol's bare chest after all. But wearing Chanyeol's too small clothes that were still too large for the brunet and laying in the giant's bed while sharing the same covers and basically being surrounded by Chanyeol's incredibly heady (and not to mention intoxicating) scent, and having Chanyeol himself lying right beside him with his arm around Baekhyun's waist; his hand had snuck underneath the brunet's shirt and was now resting on the small of Baekhyun's back. It was a bit much.

"Earth to Park Baekhyun. Is anyone home?"

"Huh? Yeah sur- wait. Did you just call me Park Baekhyun?"

"Yeah. You weren't responding to your own name." Chanyeol shrugs like it was the littlest thing to pretend, even for a split second, that they were married. Yes, Baekhyun might be overreacting just a tad, but can you really blame him?

[AN: Autocorrect changed 'overreacting' to 'overeating']

"Baekhyun! Park Baekhyun! Stop zoning out!"


"Are you trying to get me to call you Park Baekhyun?"

"No! I just..." Baekhyun's momentarily baffled.

"Are you? I think you are." Chanyeol tickles Baekhyun's chin playfully.

"Shut up." But Baekhyun's tone indicates that no, he doesn't want Chanyeol to shut up. "We aren't even boyfriends, and you're already thinking about marriage."

"Lets change that, shall we? What do you say? Be mine?"

"You already know what I'm going to say."

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