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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Ugh. Chanyeol kicks off his covers reluctantly. Already?

The giant had set his alarm an hour earlier than normal, in hopes of getting to the school early so that he could do a little investigation. I'm going to find out exactly who he is.

Chanyeol climbs out of bad and heads toward his closet, sifting through his clothes. What should I wear today?

He settles for a gray sweater with a little red and blue plaid patterned center and a pair of slightly ripped black jeans. Subtle, but still flashy. He stands in front of his mirror, combing through his hair with a wet comb. After a little primping, he grabs his phone and walks out of his room.

The giant quickly runs down the stairs, turning the corner and dashing through the kitchen. He stops. Right. Can't forget food. Chanyeol quickly turns around and grabs an apple. Eh. Good enough. He shakes his head as he slips on a pair of white converse and walks out of his house.

Chanyeol taps his foot impatiently as he waits for the bus. You must be kidding me. The giant didn't want to let the family driver drive him to school. That would only mean more questions that I don't feel like answering.

He scrolls though his Instagram in an attempt to kill time. It's only when he hears footsteps approach him that he looks up.

"Well, well, well." The normally quiet Baekhyun claps his hands together. "This is something you don't see everyday. The Park Chanyeol waiting for the bus. The early bus." The brunet snaps his delicate fingers. "What the occasion?"

Chanyeol breaths in harshly. "I could ask the same about you?" He tries to refrain from socking the boy in the gut. I don't need a fight right now.

Baekhyun balances on the heels of his feet leisurely, despite his heavy bag. "A new project!"

"You mean... the one we have in English?" Chanyeol furrows his eyebrows. The whole I'm-really-outgoing-vibe was a side of Baekhyun that he never saw before. Not that he payed much attention to the smaller to begin with. He was thankful that English Honors was the only class they had together.

"Wow, I'm impressed," Baekhyun's eyes crinkle as his mouth curls up. "I though you didn't notice that I was in your English class." He clicks his tongue. "But no, that's not it." The brunet twirls a pencil, one that seeming appeared out of thin air. "I'm not a fan of school work."

Well, that's one thing we have in common. Chanyeol was impressed. Never once did Baekhyun stutter in his presence, unlike most of the people that talked to him one-on-one. "So... what's the project?"

"That's confidential," Baekhyun chirps.

"And it's within reason that it is so?" Chanyeol pauses, "As in, the principal agrees?"

Baekhyun laughs. "Of course!" He runs a hand though his hair. "It's nothing bad. In fact, I think the school benefits from it greatly." He coughs as the bus they were waiting for pulls up. "Ugh, bus fumes. I'll never get used to them." He skips onto the bus happily.

Chanyeol shakes his head in amusement. What happened to the quiet Byun Baekhyun that never talked to me? He boards the bus with about half the enthusiasm as the brunet.

As he walks along the aisle, the giant has to slouch a little so that he doesn't hit his head. Aish, the disadvantages of being tall. He spies Baekhyun's mop of messy hair in the back and makes his way over. "Hey, can I sit here?"

The brunet, who was previously looking out the window, turns around and nods. "Sure." He scoots over and puts his bag in his lap, letting the giant sit down. "First time?"

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