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"Baekhyun, you have some explaining to do." Kyungsoo glances at the brunet, who's arm was around Chanyeol and head half-resting on the giant's shoulder.

"What is there to explain? We're together, and that's all there is to it," Chanyeol fills in, giving his brunet a little squeeze.

"Exactly Kyung, ChanBaek is real." Jongin's voice startles the three of them.

Four eyeballs round on the sun kissed male and two mouths open simultaneously. "What in tarnation is a ChanBaek?"

"Or you could call it BaekYeol," Kyungsoo supplies.

"A what?"

"Or a ChanHyun. Also, don't forget YeolHyun." Sehun pops out of seemingly thin air.

"What in the world? You two are spouting nonsense." Chanyeol shakes his head.

"Chanyeol!? Have you not checked you phone since you posted on Instagram or something? The comments were blowing up!"

"They still are blowing up," Jongin muses, his phone out.

Truth is, Chanyeol has in fact not checked his phone since that afternoon. All his time and attention had been on Baekhyun and Baekhyun only. But now, he pulls out his phone and checks Instagram for the first time in about twenty hours.

And indeed, Sehun and Jongin were correct. People were freaking out, the comments rolling by so fast that his eyes couldn't keep up. He does spot some interesting hashtags, the ones that his friends had mentioned. ChanBaek and BaekYeol were by far the most common.

He searches up ChanBaek in the platform's search and a lot of edits and drawings come up. All of them were of him and his petite boyfriend, who was currently nuzzling into his side, looking over Chanyeol's shoulder. "So that's what a ChanBaek is. A ship name." Baekhyun rests his forehead on Chanyeol shoulder, laughing uncontrollably. "Why did I take so long to realize my own name?"

The giant is still confused, until Sehun gives up with a sigh and tells him, "Look, even your boyfriend gets it. It's a ship name! Chanyeol. Baekhyun. Do you get it now?"

Chanyeol slowly clicks off his phone and puts it away, eyes darting from side to side in thought. Suddenly, his head jerks up. "Oh. Oh."


Baekhyun's still laughing, his blissfulness fueled by Chanyeol's blank expression. "Yeol! Why did that take so-"

"Don't even start." Chanyeol shushes his brunet and wraps an arm around him. "I had a mind blank."

"You think?" Baekhyun's still laughing, tears of mirth gathering at the corners of his eyes. "Oh man, that is funnier than it should be."

"It is." Jongin and Kyungsoo are also laughing, and Sehun has disappeared to somewhere, probably looking for his boyfriend. They're interrupted by the ridiculously loud bell, and the four of them scramble up the stairs and head for their lockers.

It's only when Chanyeol steps foot into home room that he realizes it's now second semester, and his classes have changed. Luckily, he had prepared earlier, and his stuff was in his locker. The giant quickly runs back out and grabs his gym bag, then dashes back in. He pulls out his phone and texts his boyfriend, wanting to see what classes he had.

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